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Photo #24341: Lepidoptera sp.



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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Robot

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-07-13 00:00:00, Vladivostok, Botanical Garden - Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of SCIENCES

Comments on this image

01.11.2013 20:00, Peter Khramov

Where would it take specialists in the Far East ...

31.10.2013 23:05, Sergei Kotov

Specifically for this butterfly - wait for the verdict of experts.

31.10.2013 22:41, Sergei Kotov

Not sylvanus it is, not sylvanus. I already said before that I happened to collect many of sylvanus, they are quite different in my neck of the woods.
Question to all: if there any info about sylvanus ssp. in Far East? Nominative or anything else.

31.10.2013 22:41, Sergei Kotov

Not sylvanus it is, not sylvanus. I already said before that I happened to collect many of sylvanus, they are quite different in my neck of the woods.
Question to all: if there any info about sylvanus ssp. in Far East? Nominative or anything else.

31.10.2013 22:08, Irina Nikulina

I was just embarrassed your categorical conclusion. Well, if only "" personal opinion "that it would be better instead of" uniquely accurate "at least put IMHO). Although it is possible that not Sylvanus. Perspective is not very convenient.

31.10.2013 21:47, Sergei Kotov

I collect sylvanus regularly. Can be some local subspecies in Primorye, however those sylvanus I see in Central Russia, don't look at all like the specimen featured. Blurred spots and an odd-looking main dark yellow. Our sylvanus here have it lighter, yellow ochre, and yellow spots are more distinct. Whatever, I'm not a pro in Primorye Hesperiidae, just my personal opinion, I might be wrong.

31.10.2013 21:25, Irina Nikulina

Sergey, could you explain Sylvanus no-one. In venatus underside almost monochrome, ochracea is also very different looks ...

31.10.2013 20:34, Sergei Kotov

Definitely not exactly sylvanus. In Primorye, blue stain is present on three of the genus Ochlodes: ochracea, subhyalina and venatus. I think one of them.

31.10.2013 20:29, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Angle uncomfortable.

31.10.2013 17:23, Yuri Semejkin

Ochlodes sylvanus?

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