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Photo #27664: Psammotis pulveralis


Psammotis pulveralis

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Vladimir Bobow. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Irina Nikulina

Place of shooting/catching: Khabarovsk Krai, city of Amursk, territory of the AGMK

Comments on this image

17.03.2014 14:41, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Not identified Psammotis pulveralis / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

15.03.2014 14:34, Irina Nikulina

Sorry, forgot to put @( Psammotis orientalis or Psammotis pulveralis

15.03.2014 14:32, Irina Nikulina

Perhaps, Psammotis orientalis, considering geography. However, the network is almost no photos orientalis, only one on flickr (e) there was not very clear http://www.flickr.com/photos/8706930@N08/5992421693/. At the same time in the RFE and pulveralis lives. And in the article A. Streltsov, VV. Dubatolov, AM Long "New records of Lepidoptera in Bolshekhekhtsirsky ognёvkoobraznyh Reserve (env.Khabarovsk) in 2008-11gg "reads as follows:" Rhode Psammotis Hübner, [1825] considered in detail in his review of E. and A. Munro Mutuura [Munroe, Mutuura, 1968], where they described a new species of this genus, including P. orientalis Munroe & Mutuura, 1968 from Japan.Symptoms, which the authors identify this species of minor importance, unobtrusive and almost completely overlap intraspecific variation (which in this group is very high). This was confirmed by the study of material from the west and east of the Palearctic, which also showed a slight difference. Therefore, we believe P. pulveralis (Hübner, 1796) = orientalis Munroe & Mutuura, 1968, syn.nov »
So, probably, and you can put Psammotis pulveralis)

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