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Photo #34091: Euthrix potatoria


Euthrix potatoria

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Vladimir Deryabin. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-07-24 15:00:00, Moscow region, Narofominskiy district, Ozhigovo

Comments on this image

12.10.2014 20:17, Alexandr Zhakov

Vladimir, you're right about everything. Without knowing the species is not possible to determine how many photos already have and go whether the point in the job. Angle is very bad from all sides, a butterfly on it as does not identify and plot no. Remove really is not necessary, if you want to make it an administrator. Butterfly defective out of the chrysalis.

12.10.2014 17:27, Vladimir Deryabin

10.10.2014 16:33, Alexander Zhakov
What is interesting picture?

Despite the fact that we were going in a car, we have different interests. My interest - definition of the form (in general). And by placing the photo here, I do not know the type, I can not determine the amount of the existing picture of a butterfly on the site. This is the general case.In the case of this pair of photos amongst existing photo of this species on the site
I have not found a similar view. Of course, not all perspectives are important but I do not know anything about the necessary set of attributive features.
Sam will not be removed, so it was not like, "Well, do not!".Also I believe that junk should be as small as possible - remove one thread.

11.10.2014 11:12, Alexandr Zhakov

And what is a valuable point of discovery? Moscow region. More than 30 photographs and even Narofominsky area is. But even if the point is, why two photographs, one instance in this state. You please do not get me wrong, we are in the light of the new requirements, considering options for the photos, and your as an example.

11.10.2014 8:22, Alexander Belousov

This picture is only valuable point detection, and if there is a second picture of the same beast from the same point, this "does not need a violinist (Kin-za-za)": - D

11.10.2014 2:11, Yuri Semejkin

Yes, my nichem.Hudozhestvennym picture will not name, piece in the sense of the rarity too. To determine - do not see any venation of the wings or the possible spurs on their feet. So, the only interest is the interest of the author, ie. determination or confirmation of determination. Then these images can be deleted.

10.10.2014 16:33, Alexandr Zhakov

What is interesting picture?

10.10.2014 9:14, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Imago Female.

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