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Photo #38913: Lepidoptera sp.



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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Robot

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-07-10 00:00:00, Владивосток, Ботанический сад-институт ДВО РАН

Comments on this image

08.02.2015 14:55, Irina Nikulina

With regard to these two types of primarily I want to say that to compare this image with images from the network completely useless if they show European Eno and Daphne. Both species are very volatile (especially strong geography.volatility looks Brenthis ino, is celebrated by all the authors, since Kurentsova) Therefore, you can only compare sub-species, particularly common in the region of Primorye. Primorye inhabit subspecies daphne - Brenthis daphne ochroleuca (around Primorye) and Brenthis daphne fumidia (the latter is more common in the south of Primorye) < / em>, and both differ significantly from daphne, inhabiting Europe.parts and in Siberia. View ino also represented in Primorye two podvidami- Brentis ino amuriensis and Brenthis ino maxima. . Both subspecies pattern on the underside brighter, richer than European ino, and the median strip has a violet-purple, and the whole underside bears little resemblance underside European ino, for which they are well different from European daphne.To illustrate this, give links to 2 common in the south of Primorye subspecies
http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=193914&view=findpost&p=620007 B. i. maxima
http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=193914&view=findpost&p=620010 B. d. ochroleuca
Compare with Yurin photos.By the nature of the picture, especially in the area postmarginal ZOC (but not the intensity of the black, which varies greatly among different copies), and especially on the outer part of the circular shape of the VC is also inclined toBrenthis ino. Of course, the underside would have given a more accurate conclusion.

08.02.2015 12:25, Yuri Semejkin

The shape of the wing is really more like a B. daphne. In the spots, especially at first. KRL. generators virtually sling - from scanned images to a specified lean variant B. ino. At B. daphne spot once torn among themselves, and Fig. just like others.
Basil, I'm not saying. In an embodiment of a question mark. I like to see more people have spoken.

08.02.2015 11:49, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Why for example do notBrenthis daphne? Without underside nothing to do here: it is for him, these two kinds of good differ. According Sinev 40 have both.

08.02.2015 10:51, Yuri Semejkin

Brenthis ino ?

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