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Photo #41158: Aglais io


Aglais io

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Base gallery.

Photo, and identified by: Leon Ortlieb. Image without retouching at the website

Place of shooting/catching: East Germany.

Comments on this image

03.07.2015 13:10, Leon Ortlieb

Even this morning, tried, did not work it was, was a glitch .. Now, yes, that's right .. I ask apologies, something it was not so in the morning ..

Another question: It is advisable or desirable to attach a photo of the habitat where the sfotat butterfly?

03.07.2015 13:00, Peter Khramov

Leon foty when downloading, the program will work and synonyms, and Russian title. You can now go to the download section and in the "name of the species" or enter Inachis io Peacock - it will work autosubstitution, click on them (drop-down line), and all, the name is displayed to the accepted online.But if you enter the name, but autosubstitution not used, only then will glitch, more prog finds that you are entering a new kind, not the old analogue.

03.07.2015 12:16, Leon Ortlieb

Basil, "we must gruzitt these types directly" out of form "."
In my opinion it is not quite a good solution. For example: I was able to define a synonym Inachis io, or the like Is set in a search engine, does not work!

Like thousands of other users on the site to find it? (Well there peacock .. And there are more complicated).
I do not have a problem and do not suffer, if someone will correct ..But this extra fuss you .. And if there is no willing to improve ..
I think rather it was used, so there synonym (or outdated), or even led to the Russian NAME accepted online ..
(This is not a criticism, but just thinking out loud ..)

02.07.2015 21:50, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Peter, what about space. This is not an isolated case. Here is a picture: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/41035 also landed in the admin area because it was uploaded as a Pyrameis atalanta .This Trouble I caught on time, but with the eye of a peacock that is not spotted Yuri managed to re-define :)))
I think not in the blank here is, namely, writing one of the synonyms (the old name) instead of the core, which is made on the site.

02.07.2015 21:23, Peter Khramov

The method, which is described Vasily, it is currently working. Ho. Of course, you can upload synonymous and the main download page ph, all will be the norm. In your case, Leon, it is not attached to the form, as It was an extra space in the name you specified. In general, the program should be easy to remove this gap, but as long as she does not know how. Because.

02.07.2015 21:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Leon, in order to avoid similar Trouble necessary gruzitt these types directly "out of form", and not to inscribe the name of their own. The algorithm is as follows:
1) is located on the site with the help of search (row in the right upper corner) type, which you want to upload photos.2) According to the link that appears open gallery type and right at the bottom click on the "Submit your picture of this kind of butterfly"
This will download a form where you enter all but the species name. (Taken at the site is already there will be)
3) Upload photos and it will rise to where it should without unnecessary "gibberish")))

02.07.2015 9:10, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Yuri Semejkin Leon Ortlieb.

02.07.2015 9:00, Leon Ortlieb

Basil, yes, the famous butterfly.
Since I do not know by heart the Latin, but the name of the Russian good, then took the Latin Wikipedia Inachis io https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B7. Here on the site between the above named Latin names is a sign of equality .. I mean the same thing.
Why it was not certain?

01.07.2015 20:36, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Leon, something is transferred lay not as it should. It seems to me that this species was known ochenm have you defined? Maybe not as loaded butterfly Aglais io, but as Vanessa io or Inachis io, and because of this got into the indefinite?

01.07.2015 18:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

/ Leon Ortlieb Aglais io / Yuri Semejkin.

01.07.2015 16:41, Yuri Semejkin

Normal Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758)

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