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Photo #9794: Colias croceus


Colias croceus

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo: Anna Lavica. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Dmitriy Pozhogin

Time of shooting/catching: 2007-00-00 00:00:00

Comments on this image

27.08.2011 9:21, Evgeny Komarov

Hm, many men, many minds :)

27.08.2011 2:38, Peter Khramov

"Botanical" is not slang, either I'm not a boy for many years :--) "Botanical" photography means that such shots can be in a botanical textbook. This doesn't mean anything bad, I just didn't find a right word to say that shorter and properer. If you have one, give me a sign... As for the photographic point of view, please, be free, comment also this, not only species. As for defective works, I don't know if the author wanted to shoot it like this, but it was shot whatsoever, and shot well.

27.08.2011 2:00, Evgeny Komarov

Also, Petr! Why do you name the website as "botanical" one? This is some youngsters slang? For them we're surely all botanists, but this website is entomological, isn't it?

27.08.2011 1:57, Evgeny Komarov

Petr! I'm not photo genius at all, but have been practicing macrophotography for a long time. This photo (if it ever can be named "photo") is not discussable from any photographical point of view. Fully approve Dmitry and Vasily opinions! There are photographic view and just defective work when a photographer didn't manage to shoot a thing without all this rubbish in the foreground! So that's the very this defective work!

26.08.2011 14:08, Peter Khramov

Imo, the very "ruined" thing makes it rather interesting.

26.08.2011 13:54, Alexandr Zhakov

From photographic point of view the shot is also meh :( Such ruined foreground ... is not good at all. :)

26.08.2011 13:12, Peter Khramov

Even though this website is generally "botanical", there will be always some shots more interesting to photographers than to the "botanical" society. This photo is the very such case. Dmitry, it's not proper to compare it to your pictures, cause they might lack some technical aspects, and this one is good from technical and photographic points of view but lacks some "botanical" aspects. Anyway, you already identified it (there is more clearer shot: http://lepidoptera.pro/gallery/9795/) and even shot location can be added (needed to specify).
Due to this, this shot stays and will do on the website.

26.08.2011 10:59, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I can understand that some girl from Cruatia sent it. That's good but photo, even compared to mine, is nothing.

26.08.2011 10:26, Vasiliy Feoktistov

How can one even see something on this shot?? Move it to trash!

26.08.2011 10:18, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I would throw out this photo!

26.08.2011 10:14, Dmitriy Pozhogin

C. croceus.

24.07.2011 0:11, Peter Khramov

What's the trouble?

23.07.2011 23:33, Evgeny Komarov

Looked at the nearby one too ... Petr, if such gags even can be there?

23.07.2011 23:32, Evgeny Komarov

So what, there is even butterfly?

23.07.2011 22:03, Peter Khramov

If you want to identify it, look at the photo nearby, that's better seen...

23.07.2011 21:43, Igor Sakhno

This is something like quiz or?

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