Lasiocampa trifolii (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)

class Insecta → subclass Pterygota → infraclass Neoptera → superorder Holometabola → order Lepidoptera → superfamily Lasiocampoidea → family Lasiocampidae → subfamily Lasiocampinae → tribe Lasiocampini → genus Lasiocampa → subgenus Pachygastria → species Lasiocampa trifolii
Species name(s)
Lasiocampa (Pachygastria) trifolii (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) = Bombyx trifolii [Schiffermüller], 1775 = medicaginis Borkhausen, 1793 = iberica Guenée, 1858 = romana Calberla, 1887 = obsoletaflava Tutt, 1902 = cervina Tutt, 1902 = rufa Tutt, 1902 = obsoletacervina Tutt, 1902 = mitfordi Oberthür, 1916 = daddi Heinrich, 1923 = bilinea Hartig, 1924 = ochracea Hartig, 1924 = basigramma Lenz, 1925 = samnitica Dannehl, 1929 = rubiodorada Gómez Bustillo, 1980 = Lasiocampa albinos Nägeli 1896 = Lasiocampa basigramma Lenz 1925 = Lasiocampa basilinea Lenz 1925 = Bombyx bathseba Staudinger, 1892 = Lasiocampa bilinea Hartig 1924 = Pachygastria cervina Tutt, 1902 = Lasiocampa cingulata Lempke 1960 = Lasiocampa daddi Heinrich 1923 = Lasiocampa devittata Turati 1923 = Phalaena dumeti Fuessly, 1775 = Pachygastria flava Tutt, 1902 = Lasiocampa flavilinea Lempke 1960 = Bombyx iberica Guenée, 1858 = Lasiocampa longomaculata Lempke 1960 = Lasiocampa macrocellata Lempke 1960 = Lasiocampa maculosa Rogenhofer 1891 = Lasiocampa mauritunnica Kirby 1892 = Bombyx medicaginis Borkhausen, 1793 = Gastropacha medicaginis Ochsenheimer = Lasiocampa mitfordi Oberthür 1916 = Lasiocampa obsoleta Tutt 1910 = Lasiocampa ochracea Hartig 1924 = Bombyx onobrichis Gladb., 1778 = Bombyx romana Calberla, 1887 = Pachygastria rufa Tutt, 1902 = Lasiocampa sagitta Lampke 1960 = Pachygastria typica Tutt, 1902 = Pachygastria unilinea Tutt, 1902 = Lasiocampa unilinea-rufa Curtis 1944 = Lasiocampa deleta Rothschild 1914 = Lasiocampa jugurthina Grünberg 1911 = Lasiocampa lutzernowi Chneour 1942 = Pachygastria semifasciata Faila, 1888 = Lasiocampa seitzi Grünberg 1911. [9, 10, 187]
Grass Eggar.
Zoogeographical regions
Russia regions
#1. Kaliningradsky*; #6. Evropeisky Severo-Vostochny; #7. Evropeisky yuzhno-tayozhny; #8. Evropeisky Tsentralny; #9. Evropeisky Tsentralno-Chernozyomny; #10. Sredne-Volzhsky; #11. Volgo-Donsky; #12. Nizhnevolzhsky; #13. Zapadno-Kavkazsky; #14. Vostochno-Kavkazsky; #15. Severo-Uralsky; #16. Sredne-Uralsky; #17. Yuzhno-Uralsky; #20. Yuzhno-Zapadnosibirsky; #22. Krasnoyarsky; #23. Predaltaisky; #24. Gorno-Altaisky; #26. Predbaikalsky; #27. Pribaikalsky; #28. Zabaikalsky; #29. Zapadno-Yakutsky.
* An asterisk denotes a region for which the species is listed as an migrant or information that requires additional checking.
Forewing length
20—35 mm.
Primary colors
Flight time
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Larva lifespan
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Over-wintering stage

Detailed information with references
- Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Italy, Corsica, Crete, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovakia, the Soviet Union - The European part of Turkey - European part, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Yugoslavia. [1].
- Albania, Andorra, the Balearic Islands, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the British Isles, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece (mainland), Denmark (mainland), Spain (mainland), Italy (mainland ), Corsica, Crete, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta,Netherlands, Norway (mainland), the Channel Islands, Poland, Portugal (mainland), Romania, Russia, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey (European part), Ukraine, Finland, France (mainland), Croatia, the Cycladic Islands, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Yugoslavia. [10].
- Regions of the Russian Federation: the Volga-Don, East Caucasus, Gorno-Altaisk, the European North-East, the European Central Black Earth, the European Central European South taiga, Transbaikalia, Western Caucasus, Western Yakutia, Kaliningrad (?), Krasnoyarsk, Lower Volga, Prealtay, of Baikal, Pribaikalskiy, North Urals, the Volga-Average, Average Urals, South West Siberian, South Ural. [3].
- Ареал вида — большая часть Европы и Азии, средняя полоса и юг России, Кавказ. [85].
Imago Habitus and Differences from alike species
- Длина переднего крыла — от 2 до 3,5 см. Общий окрас от охрового до красно-бурого, посередине передних крыльев находится по одному некрупному белому пятнышку с темным ободком; светлая поперечная полоска на передних крыльях самки кнаружи расплывается. Кайма крыльев более светлая. [85].
General info about Imago
- Клеверный коконопряд летает на пустошах и сплошных вырубках, лугах (там, где растет клевер). Самцы активны днем, для них характерен быстрый, зигзагообразный полет. Самки предпочитают темное время суток. [85].
Imago lifespan
- С конца июля до начала сентября. [85].
General info about Larva
- Мягкие желтые волоски по телу, на каждом кольце по паре красноватых и черноватых пятнышек, между кольцами — синеватые линии. [85].
Larva food plants / other food objects
- Gramineae, Festuca ovina, F. polesica, Elymus arenarius, Vicia cracca, Calluna vulgaris. [28].
- Clover, of course. As well as sainfoin and stalnik. And another droc. [85].
Larva lifespan
- Гусеницы активны с мая по июнь. [85].
- Куколки Lasiocampa trifolii лежат на почве в маленьких гнездах-колыбельках. Куколки грязно-серо-зеленого цвета. [85].
- Яйца просто разбрасываются по почве. [85].
Overwintering stage
Subspecies of Lasiocampa trifolii
- Zygaena trifolii barcelonensis (Reiss, 1922). [10]
- L. t. caerulescens (Oberthur, 1910). [10]
- L. t. cocles (Geyer, 1831). [10]
- L. t. cocles Geyer, 1830-31. [9]
- L. t. decreta (Verity, 1925). [10]
- L. t. duponcheliana (Oberthur, 1910). [10]
- L. t. espunnica (Reiss, 1936). [10]
- L. t. hibera (Verity, 1925). [10]
- L. t. lusitaniaemixta (Verity, 1930). [10]
- L. t. mauritanica (Staudinger, [1892]). [9]
- L. t. olbiana (Oberthur, 1910). [10]
- L. t. palustrella (Verity, 1925). [10]
- L. t. palustris (Oberthur, 1896). [10]
- L. t. pusilla (Oberthur, 1910). [10]
- L. t. ruizi Huertas Dionisio, 1980. [187]
- L. t. subsyracusia (Verity, 1925). [10]
- L. t. syracusia (Zeller, 1847). [10]
- L. t. trifolii (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775). [10]
- L. t. trifolii. [9]
- L. t. trifolii (Esper, 1783). [10]
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
Andrej Makara, Aleksandr Andrianov. Text data: Peter Khramov.
The species characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov, Sergei Kotov.
- [1] O. Karsholt, J. Razowski (eds.), 1996. The Lepidoptera of Europe: a distributional checklist
- [3] Каталог чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) России. Под ред. С. Ю. Синёва. СПб.; М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2008
- [9] Tree of Life (, 2012
- [10] de Jong, Y.S.D.M. (ed.) (2011) Fauna Europaea version 2.4 (
- [28] Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa (, 2012
- [85] Lepidoptera species catalogue,, 2015
- [187] Species 2000,
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