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Carabus jankowskii Oberthur, 1883

Самец  (Carabus jankowskii)


class Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Adephaga superfamily Caraboidea family Carabidae subfamily Carabinae tribe Carabini subtribe Carabina genus Carabus subgenus Coptolabrus → species Carabus jankowskii

Species name(s)

Carabus (Coptolabrus) jankowskii Oberthur, 1883.



This species marks on the maps: 2.

Zoogeographical regions


Over-wintering stage


Самка  (Carabus jankowskii)

Detailed information with references


  • Russia (South of the Primorsky krai), East China, North Korea, South Korea [300].

Imago food plants / other food objects

  • Earthworms and mollusks. [300].

General info about Larva

  • The duration of the first larval stage is 8-10 days. Before molting, the larva does not feed for 1-3 days and is almost motionless. Molt lasts 6-10 minutes. The larva is colored after molting for about two hours. In the second stage, the larvae feed for 7-9 days and reach a length of 45-47 mm and a width of 9-10 mm. Habitually, they are similar to the larvae of the related species C. smaragdinus F. W., but differ in color (C. jankowskii larvae are black, less often dark brown, without a metallic sheen, and C. smaragdinus larvae are blue-purple, with a metallic luster). The larvae of C. jankowskii have only two instars, as do the larvae of the related species C. smaragdinus (Stiprais, 1987) and C. blaptoides Koll. (Sturani, 1962). [300].


  • The larva that has stopped feeding pupates in 18-50 days, of which 3-4 days (sometimes 7-10 days) are spent on the device of the pupal chamber, built at a depth of 3-12 cm. The pupal chamber is oblong-oval in shape, its length is 68-75 mm, width is 27-35 mm, and height is 18-23 mm. Some larvae do not burrow into the soil, but pupate on the surface. Before pupation, the larva lies motionless "on its back" for 5-6 days, then quickly (within a few minutes) pupates. The pupa lies motionless in the chamber, resting against the substrate with bristles located on the 1st-5th tergites of the abdomen. The length of the pupa without protruding legs beyond the top of the abdomen is 23-29 mm, the weight of the live pupa is 925-1299 mg. The color of the pupa is white, later its eyes, jaws, shins and claws on its paws are colored. The pupal phase lasts 9-11 days. Hatched beetles are colored for 10-12 hours. Young beetles remain in the pupal chamber for 2-4 days until they get stronger, they lie in it on one side, then on the other, with their legs stretched out to the side. Stronger beetles are selected to the surface of the soil and begin to feed. [300].


  • For each egg, the female builds a separate chamber in the soil at a depth of 18-30 mm with the help of gonapophysis. The camera size is 12x10mm. The egg in the chamber occupies a different position: both horizontal and almost vertical. The size of laid eggs is 8. 4x3. 9 mm, developed eggs-9. 2x5. 4 mm. Embryonic development lasts up to 10 days. The hatched larvae are white in color, with darkened eyes, mandibles and claws on their paws. The larvae turn black in one and a half to two hours. After being colored, they remain in the egg chambers for another 10-12 hours. [300].

Overwintering stage

  • Image [300].


Initial species uploading to the site: Evgeny Komarov.

Photos: Vasiliy Feoktistov.

Text data: Vasiliy Feoktistov.

The species characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov, Vasiliy Feoktistov.



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19.07.2017 16:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Over-wintering stage: No formalized data → Imago.

19.07.2017 8:36, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.

Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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