This taxon marks on the maps Allophyes: 2
Allophyes albithorax (Draudt, 1950) [species]
Allophyes alfaroi (Agenjo, 1951) [species]
Allophyes asiatica (Staudinger, 1892) [species]
Allophyes corsica (Spuler, 1905) [species]
Allophyes cretica (Pinker & Reisser, 1978) [species]
Allophyes heliocausta Boursin, 1957 [species]
Allophyes metaxys Boursin, 1953 [species]
Allophyes miaoli Hreblay & Kobayashi, 1997 [species]
Allophyes powelli Rungs, 1953 [species]
Allophyes protai Boursin, 1967,45, pl. 1, f. 1-3 [species]
Allophyes sericina Ronkay, Varga & Hreblay, 1998 [species]
Allophyes yuennana Hreblay & Ronkay, 1997 [species]
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