class Insecta
Glenea (Macroglenea) elegans (Olivier, 1795) = Stenocorus pictus Weber, 1801 = Saperda elegans Olivier, 1795 = Stenocorus pictus Fabricius, 1801 = Glenea clytia Thomson, 1879 = Glenea delia Thomson, 1860 = Glenea affinis Ritsema, 1892 = Saperda chalybæa Illiger, 1800 = Glenea elegans Olivier, 1795. [187]
This species marks on the maps: 1.
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
Text data: Vasiliy Feoktistov.
The species characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov, Vasiliy Feoktistov.
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