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Genus Heliothis

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Noctuoidea family Noctuidae subfamily Heliothinae → genus Heliothis (Ochsenheimer, 1816)



This taxon marks on the maps Heliothis: 16

Daughter taxa

Heliothis acesias Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874 [species]

Heliothis adaucta (Butler, 1878) [species]

Heliothis albida (Hampson, 1905) [species]

Aspila albivenata Hampson, 1916 [species]

Heliothis australis Hardwick, 1994 [species]

Aspila beckeri Poole & Mitter, 1993 [species]

Heliothis belladonna (H. Edwards, 1881) [species]

Aspila belladonna Edwards, 1881 [species]

Heliothis borealis (Hampson, 1903) [species]

Aspila borealis Hampson, 1903 [species]

Aspila citrea Poole & Mitter, 1993 [species]

Aspila conifera Hampson, 1913 [species]

Aspila cystiphora Wallengren, 1860 [species]

Aspila dejeani Oberthür, 1893 [species]

Aspila designata Brandt, 1941 [species]

Aspila distincta Schaus, 1898 [species]

Aspila ebenicor Poole & Mitter, 1993 [species]

Aspila enigma Poole & Mitter, 1993 [species]

Heliothis feildi Erschoff, 1874 [species]

Aspila fervens Butler, 1881 [species]

Aspila flavescens Janse, 1917 [species]

Aspila flavigera Hampson, 1907 [species]

A. f. insularis

Aspila flavirufa Hampson, 1910 [species]

Heliothis galatheae (Wallengren, 1856) [species]

Aspila hyalosticta Hampson, 1896 [species]

Heliothis incarnata (Freyer, 1838) [species]

Aspila lupata Grote, 1875 [species]

Heliothis maritima Graslin, 1855 [species]

Aspila maritima Graslin, 1855 [species]

A. m. bulgarica, A. m. centralasiae, A. m. hungarica, A. m. warneckei

Aspila mekrana Brandt, 1941 [species]

Aspila melanoleuca Mitchell, 1997 [species]

Heliothis melanoleuca Mitchell, 1997 [species]

Aspila metachrisea Hampson, 1903 [species]

Aspila mirabilis Poole & Mitter, 1993 [species]

Aspila molochitina Berg, 1882 [species]

Aspila nanna Hampson, 1906 [species]

Heliothis nubigera (Herrich-Schaffer, 1851) [species]

Aspila nubigera Herrich-Schäffer, 1851 [species]

A. n. minutier

Heliothis ononis (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) [species]

Aspila ononis Schiffermüller, 1775 [species]

Heliothis oregonica (H. Edwards, 1875) [species]

Aspila oregonica Edwards, 1875 [species]

Aspila paradoxus Grote, 1865 [species]

Aspila parana Poole & Mitter, 1993 [species]

Aspila pauliani Viette, 1959 [species]

Heliothis peltigera (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) [species]

Совка щетинконогая шалфейная

Aspila peltigera Schiffermüller, 1776 [species]

Heliothis phloxiphaga Grote & Robinson, 1867 [species]

Aspila phloxiphaga Grote, 1867 [species]

Aspila planaltina Poole & Mitter, 1993 [species]

Aspila posttriphaena Rothschild, 1924 [species]

Aspila prorupta Grote, 1873 [species]

Heliothis proruptus Grote, 1873 [species]

Heliothis punctifera Walker, 1857 [species]

Aspila puno Poole & Mitter, 1993 [species]

Heliothis roseivena (Walker, 1866) [species]

Aspila saskai Berio, 1975 [species]

Aspila scutuligera Guenée, 1852 [species]

Heliothis subflexa (Guenée, 1852) [species]

Aspila tergemina Felder, 1874 [species]

Aspila translucens Felder, 1874 [species]

Aspila turbata Walker, 1858 [species]

Heliothis virescens (Fabricius, 1777) [species]

Aspila virescens Fabricius, 1777 [species]

Heliothis viriplaca (Hufnagel, 1766) [species]

Aspila viriplaca Hufnagel, 1766 [species]

A. v. angarensis, A. v. oenotryx

Aspila xanthiata Walker, 1865 [species]


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