This taxon marks on the maps Musaria: 2
Phytoecia affinis Harrer, 1784 [species]
P. a. affinis, P. a. altaica, P. a. nigrohirta, P. a. nigropubescens
Phytoecia anatolica Fuchs & Breuning, 1971 [species]
Phytoecia argus Frölich, 1793 [species]
Phytoecia boeberi (Ganglbauer, 1884) [species]
Phytoecia cephalotes Küster, 1846 [species]
Phytoecia faldermanni Faldermann, 1837 [species]
Phytoecia kurdistana Ganglbauer, 1884 [species]
Phytoecia obscuricornis Pic, 1897 [species]
Phytoecia rubropunctata Goeze, 1777 [species]
Phytoecia tirellii Luigioni, 1913 [species]
Phytoecia turki Ganglbauer, 1884 [species]
Phytoecia volgensis Kraatz, 1883 [species]
Phytoecia wachanrui Mulsant, 1851 [species]
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