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Idaea nielseni (Hedemann, 1879)

Имаго  Idaea nielseni


class Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Geometroidea family Geometridae subfamily Sterrhinae tribe Idaeini genus Idaea → species Idaea nielseni

Species name(s)

Idaea nielseni (Hedemann, 1879) = Acidalia nielseni Hedemann, 1879 = Eois latimarginata Warren, 1895. [3, 9]



Russia regions

#36. Sredne-Amursky; #37. Nizhne-Amursky; #40. Primorsky.

Detailed information with references


  • Regions of the Russian Federation: the Lower Amur, Seaside, Mid-Amur. [3].
  • Japan, Korea Peninsula. Among various grasses. [130].

Imago Habitus and Differences from alike species

  • 1. The background of the wings is brown, red or yellow, with blackish, reddish or brown transverse lines, or yellow, with wide dark bands. - The background of the wings is pale yellowish, grayish or whitish, with non-contrasting transverse lines. 2. The background of the wings is yellow, with wide purplish-red bandages. - The background of the wings is red, dark yellow or brown, without purple coloring. 3. On the outer field of both wings 1 wide reddish baldric. [130].

General info about Imago

  • Idaea Tr. Hind legs: slender, with 1 pair of spurs, thickening of the hind legs and simultaneous reduction of the hind legs and spurs, development of a short or long brush of androconial hairs, hidden in the inner side of the shin at rest. A polycontinental genus that includes about 670 species in the world's fauna ( Parsons et al., 1999). Caterpillars on various herbaceous plants, usually on wilted leaves. There are 18 species in the Russian Far East. [130].

Imago lifespan

  • - VII [130].


Photo: Dina Rogatnykh.

Text data: Peter Khramov, Yuri Semejkin.

The species characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov.



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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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