This taxon marks on the maps Spilonota: 4
Spilonota albicana (Motschulsky, 1866) [species]
Spilonota allodapa Diakonoff, 1953 [species]
Spilonota ammostigma Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota aphrocymba Meyrick, 1927 [species]
Spilonota argyrotypa Turner, 1926 [species]
Spilonota atmophanes Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota babylonica Meyrick, 1912 [species]
Spilonota baeodes Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota brachytycha Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota chalcitis Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota chaophila Meyrick, 1909 [species]
Spilonota charopa Meyrick, 1888 [species]
Spilonota chlorotripta Meyrick, 1921 [species]
Spilonota clastomochla Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota conica Meyrick, 1911 [species]
Spilonota cryptogramma Meyrick, 1922 [species]
Spilonota diplostigma Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota distyliana Moriuti, 1958 [species]
Spilonota dolopaea Meyrick, 1905 [species]
Spilonota dyselia Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota ebenostigma Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota emplasta Meyrick, 1901 [species]
Spilonota eremitana Moriuti, 1972 [species]
Spilonota euploca Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota eurytycha Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota euthytoma Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota fenestrata Walsingham, 1908 [species]
Spilonota fluidana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota hexametra Meyrick, 1920 [species]
Spilonota honesta Meyrick, 1911 [species]
Spilonota hypomolybda Turner, 1926 [species]
Spilonota incretata Meyrick, 1931 [species]
Spilonota indentata Bradley, 1957 [species]
Spilonota infensa Meyrick, 1911 [species]
Spilonota laricana (Heinemann, 1863) [species]
Spilonota lechriaspis Meyrick, 1932 [species]
Spilonota leucopyga Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota limnephilana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota liphaema Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota lobata Diakonoff, 1953 [species]
Spilonota lucifera Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota macropetana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota mediocunea Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota melanacta Meyrick, 1907 [species]
Spilonota melanocopa Meyrick, 1912 [species]
Spilonota melanotreta Meyrick, 1910 [species]
Spilonota mesosticha Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota metabola Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota morosa Meyrick, 1911 [species]
Spilonota mortuana Walker, 1863 [species]
Spilonota niphosticha Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota notosphena Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota obeliscana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota ochrea Kuznetsov, 1966 [species]
Spilonota ochronephes Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota parthenia Meyrick, 1888 [species]
Spilonota pellopis Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota pericyphana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota phaeochyta Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota plinthinana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota poliophylla Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota prognathana (Snellen, 1883) [species]
Spilonota prolongata Meyrick, 1932 [species]
Spilonota pyrochlora Diakonoff, 1953 [species]
Spilonota selene Diakonoff, 1953 [species]
Spilonota semicanella Walker, 1866 [species]
Spilonota semirufana (Christoph, 1882) [species]
Spilonota sicariana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota sinuosa Meyrick, 1917 [species]
Spilonota sollicitana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota spanistis Meyrick, 1911 [species]
Spilonota sphenophora Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota stenophylla Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota subpallida Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota tarachodes Meyrick, 1911 [species]
Spilonota tornosema Turner, 1946 [species]
Spilonota tranquilla Meyrick, 1911 [species]
Spilonota vitiosa Meyrick, 1911 [species]
Spilonota zopherana Meyrick, 1881 [species]
Spilonota zophotypa Turner, 1946 [species]
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