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Genus Inga

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Gelechioidea family Oecophoridae subfamily Oecophorinae tribe Oecophorini → genus Inga Busck, 1908


Daughter taxa

Inga callierastis Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga calycocentra Meyrick, 1931 [species]

Inga camelopis Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga canariella (Busck, 1908) [species]

Inga cancanodes Meyrick, 1918 [species]

Inga capsaria Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga castigata Meyrick, 1926 [species]

Inga catasticta Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga caumatias Meyrick, 1928 [species]

Inga cerophaea Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga chlorochroa Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga ciliella (Busck, 1908) [species]

Inga cnecodes Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga concinna Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga concolorella (Beutenmüller, 1888) [species]

Inga conserva Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga corystes Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga cretacea (Zeller, 1873) [species]

Inga cupidinea Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga custodita Meyrick, 1928 [species]

Inga cyclophthalma Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga deligata Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga dilecta Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga distorta Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga elaphodes Meyrick, 1930 [species]

Inga empyrea Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga encamina Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga entaphrota Meyrick, 1915 [species]

Inga erasicosma Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga eriocnista Meyrick, 1931 [species]

Inga erotias Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga fundigera Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga furva Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga genuina Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga haemataula Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga halosphora Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga helobia Meyrick, 1931 [species]

Inga hyperbolica Meyrick, 1928 [species]

Inga icterota Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga inflammata Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga iracunda Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga lacunata Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga leptophragma Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga libidinosa Meyrick, 1926 [species]

Inga loxobathra Meyrick, 1915 [species]

Inga meliacta Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga mercata Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga mimobathra Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga mixadelpha Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga molifica Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga molybdopa Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga mydopis Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga neospila Meyrick, 1928 [species]

Inga obscuromaculella (Chambers, 1878) [species]

Inga orthodoxa Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga orthophragma Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga pachybathra Meyrick, 1921 [species]

Inga pagana Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga pagidotis Meyrick, 1918 [species]

Inga percnorma Meyrick, 1930 [species]

Inga pericyclota Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga perioditis Meyrick, 1928 [species]

Inga petasodes Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga phaeocrossa Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga plectanota Meyrick, 1918 [species]

Inga porpotis Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga proditrix Hodges, 1974 [species]

Inga pyrothyris Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga rhodoclista Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga rimatrix Hodges, 1974 [species]

Inga rosea Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga ruricola Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga satura Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga sciocrates Meyrick, 1928 [species]

Inga sciotoxa Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga semotella Walker, 1864 [species]

Inga separatella Walker, 1864 [species]

Inga signifera Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga sparsiciliella (Clemens, 1864) [species]

Inga speculatrix Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga staphylitis Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga stativa Meyrick, 1920 [species]

Inga stereodesma Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Inga textrina Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga thermoxantha Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Inga traili Butler, 1877 [species]

Inga trifurcata Meyrick, 1918 [species]

Inga trygaula Meyrick, 1911 [species]

Inga tubicen Meyrick, 1921 [species]

Inga versatilis Meyrick, 1921 [species]

Inga voluptaria Meyrick, 1914 [species]


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