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Geron albescens Brunetti, 1909


class Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Brachycera infraorder Muscomorpha family Bombyliidae subfamily Geroninae genus Geron → species Geron albescens

Species name(s)

Geron albescens Brunetti, 1909.


Detailed information with references


  • Oriental: India (Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh). [196].

Imago Habitus and Differences from alike species

  • ♂. Head black; eyes contiguous almost to antennae, frontal triangle extremely small, upper facets slightly larger than lower ones; vertex elevated, small, with a few short black hairs; ocelli red; mouth black, grey bordered; face small, squarish, black, with some snowy-white scales on each side of base of antennae: proboscis black; antennae black, relative length of joints as in Geron argentifrons, tips of first two joints narrowly pale, with greyish hairs; occiput black, with long yellow hairs above and greyish ones below; hind margin of eyes with small white scales. Thorax velvet-black, dorsum covered with bright yellowish hairs, which are greyish on the grey shoulders; underside ash-grey, with long grey hairs and some grey scales ; scutellum black, yellow-haired. Abdomen black, with minute bright yellow fine scales and hairs ; hind margins of segments with long deflexed grey hairs; whole dorsum with long thin greyish pubescence, which is denser at the sides; venter wholly covered with small silvery-white scales and long grey hairs. Legs with coxae and fore femora black, former with grey hairs; posterior femora and all tibiae pale tawny; tarsi black, middle metatarsi more or less pale at base; legs almost bare except for a few short hairs below femora and the usual minute tibial bristles. Wings quite clear, veins pale yellowish on basal half; halteres yellowish, knobs bright pale yellow.
    Length, 5-8 mm. [225].


Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.

Text data: Fedor Ovechkin.



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09.11.2015 23:26, Evgeny Komarov

Peter! Bring your-ka you this discussion to the debate site, at least - is not the place.Basil, I something else: if you can copy-paste information to angdiyskom German (well, do not have it in Russian!), Then it is better to give in the original Russian-language page, than to engage in amateur translation! Well, where else have the time to type? For those wishing to let them take advantage of PROMT.

09.11.2015 23:23, Fedor Ovechkin

It is technically impossible to do. See comment on 9/11/2015 21:45.

09.11.2015 23:21, Peter Khramov

In the Russian version of the site should be all in Russian. In English - in English.
Note that ought to be able to ship in two languages ​​- right. I will do this thing.
Until then let's this:
If it is possible to adequately translate into Russian - translated and spread.If not - spread without transfer out of the English version of the site . Then, in the future it will be easier to comb.
ZY Ideally, it would be good kanesh not copy-paste mold and thoughtful interpretation of the author. But I understand that not everyone will be at the time / desire. So the lesser of two evils kopipast still less.

09.11.2015 23:17, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Eugene, I mean that it is the Russian version and it should be Russian.
In parallel, there is a Russian version of the site: https://insecta.pro/taxonomy/386242 (this same page) and the English text should be there, but not here.

09.11.2015 23:02, Evgeny Komarov

Lord, those who are interested in the details of the characteristics of the species in the vast majority speak English (and who does not own - let them learn :)). Therefore it is always better than the original, and certainly not the PROMT translation :)! Basil! Oh, the geography is not exactly translated into Russian !!!

09.11.2015 22:35, Fedor Ovechkin

This makes sense when you can load the original text and the translation (as when entering a comment). And as it is, I think it is preferable to the original translation.

09.11.2015 22:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Peter, if I understand you correctly: you can now add to the Russian version of the English language with a simple copy-paste of sources, not bothered with the translation?
And I was worried before you put on the site, through Promt cast out (only geography) and then edit.
Perhaps, too, it is time to do a simple copy-paste (although it is wrong in my opinion) :)

09.11.2015 21:45, Fedor Ovechkin

Here it is done so: https://insecta.pro/taxonomy/386243
What is the difference?

09.11.2015 21:36, Peter Khramov

A small correction to the remark Basil: if you can not add to the Russian (for example, we just kopipastim and write no) - the supplement in English will be better than nothing.

09.11.2015 21:17, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Fedor in the Russian-language version of the site it is necessary to add the data in Russian.

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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