class Insecta
Theronia atalantae Poda, 1761 = Theronia femoralis Benoit, 1953 = Theronia varia Fabricius, 1793 = Theronia flavicans Fabricius, 1793 = Theronia albiscutata Gmelin, 1790 = Theronia incisa Gmelin, 1790 = Theronia crassipes Rossi, 1790 = Theronia vulpes Christ, 1791 = Theronia colonator Thunberg, 1822 = Theronia varia Olivier, 1792 = Theronia sulcata Razoumowsky, 1789 = Theronia nigroculus Schrank, 1781 = Theronia speculator Scopoli, 1763 = Theronia acuminator Müller, 1776 = Theronia melanops Schrank, 1781 = Theronia scutellata Geoffroy, 1785 = Theronia vincta Schrank, 1781 = Theronia quadripunctata Schrank, 1781 = Theronia superba Christ, 1791 = Theronia variatoria Fabricius, 1804. [187]
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
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