class Insecta
Therion circumflexum Linnaeus, 1758 = Therion nigroscutellatum Uchida, 1928 = Therion unicolor Ratzeburg, 1844 = Therion callosum Shestakov, 1923 = Therion occidentale Cresson, 1879 = Therion japonicum Cameron, 1906 = Therion laricis Matsumura, 1926 = Therion nipponicum Uchida, 1928 = Therion nigrum Provancher, 1879 = Therion nigroscutellatum Hellen, 1926 = Therion rubropictum Ulbricht, 1926 = Therion ramidulum Christ, 1791 = Therion curticorne Bauer, 1967. [187]
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
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