This taxon marks on the maps Aleochara: 4
Aleochara Mulsant & Rey, 1874 [subgenus]
Aleochara centralis, Aleochara curtula, Aleochara gracilicornis, Aleochara lata, Aleochara lustrica, Aleochara pseudolustrica, Aleochara rufobrunnea, Aleochara rufonigra, Aleochara sekanai, Aleochara tahoensis, Aleochara thoracica, Aleochara unicolor
Calochara Casey, 1906 [subgenus]
Aleochara baranowskii, Aleochara beckeri, Aleochara cavernicola, Aleochara laramiensis, Aleochara nidicola, Aleochara rubricalis, Aleochara rubripennis, Aleochara sequoia, Aleochara speculicollis, Aleochara villosa
Coprochara Mulsant & Rey, 1874 [subgenus]
Aleochara ashei, Aleochara bilineata, Aleochara bimaculata, Aleochara bipustulata, Aleochara densissima, Aleochara minuta, Aleochara notula, Aleochara suffusa, Aleochara sulcicollis, Aleochara verna
Echochara Casey, 1906 [subgenus]
Aleochara fenyesi, Aleochara lobata, Aleochara lucifuga, Aleochara ocularis
Maseochara Sharp, 1883 [subgenus]
Aleochara depressa, Aleochara opacella, Aleochara valida, Aleochara wickhami
Xenochara Mulsant & Rey, 1874 [subgenus]
Aleochara angusticeps, Aleochara arizonica, Aleochara castaneipennis, Aleochara fumata, Aleochara inexspectata, Aleochara lacertina, Aleochara lanuginosa, Aleochara puberula, Aleochara quadrata, Aleochara sallaei, Aleochara sculptiventris, Aleochara taeniata, Aleochara tristis
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