class Insecta
Hippodamia variegata Goeze, 1777 = Coccinella constellata Laicharting 1781 = Coccinella fennica Thunberg 1795 = Coccinella immaculata Gmelin 1790 = Coccinella laeta Fabricius 1798 = Coccinella limbata Fabricius 1781 = Coccinella mutabilis Scriba 1791 = Coccinella novempunctata Scopoli 1763 = Coccinella obversepunctata Schrank 1781 = Coccinella quatuordecimnotata Donovan 1804 = Coccinella quinquemaculata Fabricius 1787 = Coccinella setemnotata Fabricius 1792 = Coccinella sexpunctata Fabricius 1781 = Coccinella similis Schrank 1781 = Coccinella tredecimpunctata Geoffroy 1785 = Coccinella undecimpunctata Schrank 1781 = Coccinella affinis Olivier 1791 = Coccinella carpini Geoffroy 1785. [10, 186]
This species marks on the maps: 4.
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
Text data: Peter Khramov.
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