Gynandrorhynchus audax Kleine, 1923 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus bocandei Lacordaire, 1865 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus corneolus Kleine, 1924 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus grallator Damoiseau, 1967 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus granulatus Kleine, 1920 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus nigrothorax Damoiseau, 1989 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus politus Damoiseau, 1967 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus protractus Damoiseau, 1967 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus somaliensis Bartolozzi, 1991 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus tarsalis Kleine, 1920 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus valentinei Bartolozzi and Sforzi, 1994 [species]
Gynandrorhynchus vittipennis Fåhraeus, 1871 [species]
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