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Family Corethrellidae

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Nematocera infraorder Culicomorpha → family Corethrellidae


Daughter taxa

Genera: 2 (0 illustrated). Species.

Corethrella [genus]

Corethrella alba, Corethrella albicoxa, Corethrella alticola, Corethrella amabilis, Corethrella amazonica, Corethrella ananacola, Corethrella anniae, Corethrella appendiculata, Corethrella aridicola, Corethrella atricornis, Corethrella aurita, Corethrella badia, Corethrella barrettoi, Corethrella belkini, Corethrella bicolor, Corethrella blanda, Corethrella blandafemur, Corethrella blantoni, Corethrella brakeleyi, Corethrella brandiae, Corethrella brevivena, Corethrella briannae, Corethrella brunnea, Corethrella buettikeri, Corethrella calathicola, Corethrella canningsi, Corethrella carariensis, Corethrella cardosoi, Corethrella caribbeana, Corethrella collessi, Corethrella colombiana, Corethrella condita, Corethrella contraria, Corethrella curta, Corethrella davisi, Corethrella dicosimoae, Corethrella douglasi, Corethrella downsi, Corethrella drakensbergensis, Corethrella edwardsi, Corethrella evenhuisi, Corethrella flavitibia, Corethrella fulva, Corethrella fuscipalpis, Corethrella fusciradialis, Corethrella globosa, Corethrella gloma, Corethrella grandipalpis, Corethrella guadeloupensis, Corethrella harrisoni, Corethrella hirta, Corethrella hispaniolensis, Corethrella incompta, Corethrella inepta, Corethrella infuscata, Corethrella inornata, Corethrella japonica, Corethrella jenningsi, Corethrella kerrvillensis, Corethrella laneana, Corethrella lepida, Corethrella librata, Corethrella longituba, Corethrella lopesi, Corethrella maculata, Corethrella manaosensis, Corethrella marksae, Corethrella mckeeveri, Corethrella melanica, Corethrella nippon, Corethrella novaezealandiae, Corethrella orthicola, Corethrella pallidula, Corethrella pallidus, Corethrella pallitarsis, Corethrella pauciseta, Corethrella peruviana, Corethrella picticollis, Corethrella pillosa, Corethrella procera, Corethrella quadrivittata, Corethrella ramentum, Corethrella ranapungens, Corethrella redacta, Corethrella remiantennalis, Corethrella rotunda, Corethrella selvicola, Corethrella shannoni, Corethrella solomonis, Corethrella squamifemora, Corethrella stonei, Corethrella striata, Corethrella tarsata, Corethrella towadensis, Corethrella travassosi, Corethrella truncata, Corethrella ugandensis, Corethrella unisetosa, Corethrella urumense, Corethrella varia, Corethrella vittata, Corethrella whartoni, Corethrella whitmani, Corethrella wirthi

Lutzomiops Sp. [genus]


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