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Genus Physoconops

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Brachycera infraorder Muscomorpha family Conopidae subfamily Conopinae tribe Conopini → genus Physoconops


Daughter taxa

Physoconops abbreviatus Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops abruptus Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops analis Fabricius, 1805 [species]

Physoconops angustus Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops antennatus Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops anthreas Williston, 1892 [species]

Physoconops apicalis Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops argentinus Camras, 2004 [species]

Physoconops atrofemorus Camras, 1963 [species]

Physoconops aureolus Camras, 2004 [species]

Physoconops aureoscutellatus Krober, 1937 [species]

Physoconops bahamensis Parsons, 1940 [species]

Physoconops borneensis Krober, 1940 [species]

Physoconops brachyrhynchus Macquart, 1843 [species]

Physoconops bulbirostris Loew, 1853 [species]

Physoconops claripennis Camras, 1962 [species]

Physoconops connectens Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops costaricensis Krober, 1927 [species]

Physoconops costatus Fabricius, 1805 [species]

Physoconops cubanus Parsons, 1940 [species]

Physoconops discalis Williston, 1892 [species]

Physoconops excisus Wiedemann, 1830 [species]

Physoconops floridanus Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops fronto Williston, 1885 [species]

Physoconops gilmorei Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops gracilior Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops gracilis Williston, 1885 [species]

Physoconops grandis Williston, 1892 [species]

Physoconops guianicus Curran, 1934 [species]

Physoconops hermanni Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops infuscatus Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops inornatus Williston, 1892 [species]

Physoconops jutogensis Nayar, 1968 [species]

Physoconops longistylus Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops magnus Williston, 1892 [species]

Physoconops microvalvus Krober, 1930 [species]

Physoconops neotropica Camras, 2008 [species]

Physoconops nigrimanus Bigot, 1887 [species]

Physoconops nigroclavatus Camras, 1992 [species]

Physoconops nigromarginatus Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops nitens Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops notatifrons Camras, 1962 [species]

Physoconops obscuripennis Williston, 1882 [species]

Physoconops ornatifrons Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops pallifrons Coquillett, 1904 [species]

Physoconops pallipes Eymelt, 1942 [species]

Physoconops parsonsi Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops parvus Williston, 1892 [species]

Physoconops peruvianus Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops pictifrons Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops pictus Fabricius, 1794 [species]

Physoconops ramondi Bigot, 1857 [species]

Physoconops rufipennis Macquart, 1843 [species]

Physoconops rufus Williston, 1892 [species]

Physoconops sepulchralis Brunetti, 1912 [species]

Physoconops sequax Williston, 1892 [species]

Physoconops shannoni Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops sylvosus Williston, 1882 [species]

Physoconops tetraspilotus Camras, 1962 [species]

Physoconops thompsoni Camras, 2004 [species]

Physoconops townsendi Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops travassosi Camras, 1955 [species]

Physoconops tuberculatus Brunetti, 1925 [species]

Physoconops varipes Krober, 1915 [species]

Physoconops weemsi Camras, 2007 [species]

Physoconops zumbadoi Stuke & Skevington, 2007 [species]


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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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