This taxon marks on the maps Philophylla: 2
Philophylla aethiops Hering, 1939 [species]
Philophylla andobana Hancock, 1985 [species]
Philophylla angulata Hendel, 1913 [species]
Philophylla angusta Wang, 1989 [species]
Philophylla atrata Munro, 1938 [species]
Philophylla australina Hardy, 1951 [species]
Philophylla basihyalina Hering, 1951 [species]
Philophylla bifida Bezzi, 1928 [species]
Philophylla bisecta Hardy & Adachi, 1956 [species]
Philophylla caesio Harris, 1780 [species]
Philophylla cerataex Munro, 1938 [species]
Philophylla chuanensis Wang, 1989 [species]
Philophylla conjuncta Meijere, 1913 [species]
Philophylla connexa Hendel, 1915 [species]
Philophylla curvinervis Bezzi, 1928 [species]
Philophylla discreta Wang, 1989 [species]
Philophylla diversa Wang, 1989 [species]
Philophylla dividua Hardy, 1987 [species]
Philophylla erebia Hering, 1941 [species]
Philophylla erythraspis Bezzi, 1913 [species]
Philophylla farinosa Hendel, 1915 [species]
Philophylla flavofemorata Han, 1999 [species]
Philophylla fossata Fabricius, 1805 [species]
Philophylla fossataeformis Bezzi, 1920 [species]
Philophylla freidbergi Han, 1999 [species]
Philophylla heringi Han, 1999 [species]
Philophylla homogenea Bezzi, 1920 [species]
Philophylla humeralis Hendel, 1915 [species]
Philophylla incerta Chen, 1948 [species]
Philophylla inconspicua Hancock, 1985 [species]
Philophylla indica Hancock & Drew, 1994 [species]
Philophylla invida Hering, 1938 [species]
Philophylla ismayi Hardy, 1987 [species]
Philophylla kraussi Hardy, 1973 [species]
Philophylla latipennis Chen, 1948 [species]
Philophylla mailaka Hancock, 1985 [species]
Philophylla marumoi Miyake, 1919 [species]
Philophylla millei Han & Norrbom, 2008 [species]
Philophylla mindanaoensis Hardy, 1974 [species]
Philophylla mushaensis Shiraki, 1933 [species]
Philophylla nigrescens Shiraki, 1968 [species]
Philophylla nigriceps Chen, 1948 [species]
Philophylla nigripennis Hardy, 1974 [species]
Philophylla nigrofasciata Zia, 1938 [species]
Philophylla nigroscutellata Hering, 1938 [species]
Philophylla nitida Hardy, 1974 [species]
Philophylla nummi Munro, 1935 [species]
Philophylla okinawaensis Shiraki, 1968 [species]
Philophylla perineta Hancock, 1985 [species]
Philophylla propreincerta Hardy, 1987 [species]
Philophylla pulla Ito, 1952 [species]
Philophylla quadrata Malloch, 1939 [species]
Philophylla radiata Hardy, 1973 [species]
Philophylla ravida Hardy, 1973 [species]
Philophylla rufescens Hendel, 1915 [species]
Philophylla sandrangato Hancock, 1985 [species]
Philophylla setigera Hardy, 1973 [species]
Philophylla seychellensis Lamb, 1914 [species]
Philophylla superflucta Enderlein, 1911 [species]
Philophylla taylori Malloch, 1939 [species]
Philophylla tsaratanana Hancock, 1985 [species]
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