This taxon marks on the maps Gastrosericina: 1
Genera: 10 (1 illustrated). Species.
Ancistromma W. Fox, 1893 [genus]
Kohliella Brauns, 1910 [genus]
Parapiagetia Kohl, 1897 [genus]
Prosopigastra A. Costa, 1867 [genus]
Prosopigastra bulgarica, Prosopigastra creon, Prosopigastra handlirschi, Prosopigastra kohli, Prosopigastra orientalis, Prosopigastra punctatissima, Prosopigastra zalinda
Tachysphex Kohl, 1883 [genus]
Tachysphex adjunctus, Tachysphex albocinctus, Tachysphex blattivorus, Tachysphex brevipennis, Tachysphex brullii, Tachysphex carli, Tachysphex consocius, Tachysphex coriaceus, Tachysphex costae, Tachysphex ctenophorus, Tachysphex denisi, Tachysphex descendentis, Tachysphex erythropus, Tachysphex euxinus, Tachysphex excelsus, Tachysphex ferrugineus, Tachysphex fugax, Tachysphex fulvicornis, Tachysphex fulvitarsis, Tachysphex gracilitarsis, Tachysphex graecus, Tachysphex helveticus, Tachysphex incertus, Tachysphex julliani, Tachysphex latifrons, Tachysphex lindbergi, Tachysphex mediterraneus, Tachysphex minutus, Tachysphex moczaryi, Tachysphex nigerrimus, Tachysphex nitidior, Tachysphex nitidissimus, Tachysphex nitidus, Tachysphex obscuripennis, Tachysphex obscurus, Tachysphex panzeri, Tachysphex persa, Tachysphex plicosus, Tachysphex pompiliformis, Tachysphex psammobius, Tachysphex pseudopanzeri, Tachysphex saundersi, Tachysphex schmiedeknechti, Tachysphex sordidus, Tachysphex subdentatus, Tachysphex tarsinus, Tachysphex tessellatus, Tachysphex unicolor
Tachytella Brauns, 1906 [genus]
Tachytes Panzer, 1806 [genus]
Tachytes ambidens, Tachytes argenteus, Tachytes argyreus, Tachytes etruscus, Tachytes freygessneri, Tachytes matronalis, Tachytes obsoletus, Tachytes panzeri, Tachytes procerus
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