This taxon marks on the maps Lygaeidae: 8
Subfamilies: 4 (4 illustrated). Tribes: 3 (1 illustrated). Genera: 55 (9 illustrated). Subgenera: 6 (0 illustrated). Species.
Lygaeinae Schilling, 1829 [subfamily]
Apterola, Arocatus, Caenocoris, Cosmopleurus, Craspeduchus, Graptostethus, Horvathiolus, Lygaeosoma, Lygaeospilus, Lygaeus, Melanocoryphus, Melanopleurus, Melanotelus, Neacoryphus, Ochrimnus, Oncopeltus, Orsillacis, Paranysius, Spilostethus, Tropidothorax
Oxycareninae [subfamily]
Anomaloptera, Auchenodes, Bethylimorphus, Bianchiella, Bogdiana, Brachyplax, Camptotelus, Jakowleffia, Leptodemus, Macroplax, Macropternella, Metopoplax, Microplax, Neocamptotelus, Oxycarenus, Philomyrmex, Tropidophlebia
Rhypodes [genus]
Rhypodes anceps, Rhypodes argenteus, Rhypodes atricornis, Rhypodes brachypterus, Rhypodes brevifissas, Rhypodes brevispilis, Rhypodes bucculentus, Rhypodes celmisiae, Rhypodes cognatus, Rhypodes crinitus, Rhypodes depilis, Rhypodes eminens, Rhypodes gracilis, Rhypodes hirsutus, Rhypodes jugatus, Rhypodes koebelei, Rhypodes longiceps, Rhypodes longirostris, Rhypodes myersi, Rhypodes rupestris, Rhypodes russatus, Rhypodes sericatus, Rhypodes spadix, Rhypodes stewartensis, Rhypodes townsendi, Rhypodes triangulus
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