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Subfamily Ectobiinae

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Polyneoptera order Blattodea superfamily Blaberoidea family Blattellidae → subfamily Ectobiinae



Daughter taxa

Genera: 4 (1 illustrated). Subgenera: 2 (0 illustrated). Species.

Phyllodromica [genus]

Phyllodromica acarinata, Phyllodromica acuminata, Phyllodromica adelungi, Phyllodromica adspersa, Phyllodromica adusta, Phyllodromica agenjoi, Phyllodromica algerica, Phyllodromica amedegnatoi, Phyllodromica andorrana, Phyllodromica asiatica, Phyllodromica atlantica, Phyllodromica baetica, Phyllodromica barbata, Phyllodromica bicolor, Phyllodromica bolivari, Phyllodromica bolivariana, Phyllodromica brevipennis, Phyllodromica brevisacculata, Phyllodromica brullei, Phyllodromica carniolica, Phyllodromica carpetana, Phyllodromica cazurroi, Phyllodromica cecconii, Phyllodromica chavesi, Phyllodromica chladeki, Phyllodromica chopardi, Phyllodromica cincticollis, Phyllodromica clavata, Phyllodromica clavisacculata, Phyllodromica coniformis, Phyllodromica crassirostris, Phyllodromica cretensis, Phyllodromica curtipennis, Phyllodromica danflousi, Phyllodromica delospuertos, Phyllodromica donskoffi, Phyllodromica erythrura, Phyllodromica euxina, Phyllodromica fernandesiana, Phyllodromica galilaeana, Phyllodromica globososacculata, Phyllodromica graeca, Phyllodromica halterisignata, Phyllodromica harzi, Phyllodromica horstbohni, Phyllodromica hungarica, Phyllodromica iberica, Phyllodromica infumata, Phyllodromica integra, Phyllodromica intermedia, Phyllodromica irinae, Phyllodromica isolata, Phyllodromica janeri, Phyllodromica javalambrensis, Phyllodromica kiritshenkoi, Phyllodromica krausei, Phyllodromica laticarinata, Phyllodromica latipennis, Phyllodromica lativittata, Phyllodromica lindbergi, Phyllodromica llorenteae, Phyllodromica maculata, Phyllodromica maculosa, Phyllodromica maghrebina, Phyllodromica marani, Phyllodromica marginata, Phyllodromica megerlei, Phyllodromica merrakescha, Phyllodromica montana, Phyllodromica montenegrina, Phyllodromica moralesi, Phyllodromica nadigi, Phyllodromica nigriventris, Phyllodromica notabilis, Phyllodromica nuragica, Phyllodromica opaca, Phyllodromica pallida, Phyllodromica pallidula, Phyllodromica paludicola, Phyllodromica panteli, Phyllodromica pavani, Phyllodromica persa, Phyllodromica polita, Phyllodromica porosa, Phyllodromica princisi, Phyllodromica pulcherrima, Phyllodromica pygmaea, Phyllodromica quadracantha, Phyllodromica quadrivittata, Phyllodromica retowskii, Phyllodromica rhomboidea, Phyllodromica riparia, Phyllodromica sacarraoi, Phyllodromica sardea, Phyllodromica schelkovnikovi, Phyllodromica septentrionalis, Phyllodromica striolata, Phyllodromica subaptera, Phyllodromica sulcata, Phyllodromica tarbinskyi, Phyllodromica tartara, Phyllodromica tenebricosa, Phyllodromica tenuirostris, Phyllodromica theryi, Phyllodromica transylvanica, Phyllodromica turanica, Phyllodromica tyrrhenica, Phyllodromica variabilis, Phyllodromica vicina, Phyllodromica vignai, Phyllodromica virgulata, Phyllodromica znojkoi

Ectobiinae photos with superspecies identification

If you know the species, please, click on the picture and write the species name in Comments section. Also, you can go to the gallery page with all photos of Ectobiinae sp. (large size), and suggest the identification.

Ectobiinae sp. Ectobiinae sp. Ectobiinae sp.


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