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Genus Athous

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Elateriformia superfamily Elateroidea family Elateridae subfamily Dendrometrinae tribe Dendrometrini subtribe Hemicrepidiina → genus Athous Eschscholtz, 1829



This taxon marks on the maps Athous: 6

Daughter taxa

Pleurathous Reitter, 1905 [subgenus]

Athous godarti

Athous acutangulus Fairmaire, 1866 [species]

Athous albanicus Csiki, 1940 [species]

Athous angustulus Candèze, 1860 [species]

Athous apfelbecki Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous azoricus Platia & Gudenzi, 2002 [species]

Athous balcanicus Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous barriesi Platia & Gudenzi, 1996 [species]

Athous barthei Leseigneur, 1958 [species]

Athous belloi Guglielmi & Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous binaghii Platia, 1984 [species]

Athous bolognai Guglielmi & Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous brisouti Sanchez-Ruiz, 1996 [species]

Athous bulgaricus Platia, 2001 [species]

Athous canus (Dufour, 1843) [species]

Athous carpathophilus Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous caviformis Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous chamboveti Mulsant & Godart, 1868 [species]

Athous chloroticus Candèze, 1865 [species]

Athous corcyreus Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous corsicus Reiche, 1861 [species]

Athous croaticus Platia & Gudenzi, 2002 [species]

Athous csikii Platia, 2001 [species]

Athous dasycerus Buysson, 1890 [species]

Athous delmastroi Platia & Gudenzi, 1998 [species]

Athous difficilis (Dufour, 1843) [species]

Athous dilaticornis Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous dilutus (Illiger, 1807) [species]

Athous discors Reitter, 1904 [species]

Athous dorgaliensis Buysson, 1912 [species]

Athous durazzoi Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous eckerleini Platia & Gudenzi, 2000 [species]

Athous edirnensis Platia & Gudenzi, 2000 [species]

Athous epirus Stierlin, 1875 [species]

Athous euxinus Buysson, 1892 [species]

Athous filicornis Dufour, 1851 [species]

Athous freudei Platia, 1989 [species]

Athous gagliardii Platia, 1988 [species]

Athous galiberti Buysson, 1918 [species]

Athous gallicus Platia & Gudenzi, 2000 [species]

Athous ganglbaueri Schwarz, 1897 [species]

Athous goriciensis Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous graecus Platia, 1989 [species]

Athous harmodius Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous hilfi Reitter, 1912 [species]

Athous holtzi Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous iablokoffi Leseigneur, 1972 [species]

Athous incognitus Platia, 1988 [species]

Athous insularis Desbrochers des Loges, 1869 [species]

Athous judicariensis Schwarz, 1900 [species]

Athous kaszabi Dolin, 1986 [species]

Athous kerkyranus Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous kiesenwetteri (Schaufuss, 1862) [species]

Athous korabicus Csiki, 1940 [species]

Athous kruegeri Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous leonhardi Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous lomnickii Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous longicornis Candèze, 1865 [species]

Athous luigionii Platia, 1988 [species]

Athous magnanii Guglielmi & Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous marginicollis Reitter, 1890 [species]

Athous martinezi Reitter, 1904 [species]

Athous melonii Platia, 1984 [species]

Athous meuseli Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous monilicornis Schwarz, 1897 [species]

Athous nadari Buysson, 1904 [species]

Athous naseri J. Muller, 1916 [species]

Athous novaki Penecke, 1907 [species]

Athous obsoletus (Illiger, 1807) [species]

Athous osellai Guglielmi & Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous pacei Guglielmi & Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous pallidus Platia & Gudenzi, 2002 [species]

Athous panellai Platia & Schimmel, 1991 [species]

Athous parallelipipedus (Brullé, 1832) [species]

Athous pedemontanus Platia, 1988 [species]

Athous penevi Platia, 2001 [species]

Athous pfefferi Roubal, 1932 [species]

Athous picipennis Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous plagipennis Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous propinquus Buysson, 1889 [species]

Athous protoracicus Platia & Schimmel, 1991 [species]

Athous proximus Hampe, 1864 [species]

Athous pyrenaeus Candèze, 1865 [species]

Athous reynosae Brisout, 1866 [species]

Athous ruteri Chassain, 1985 [species]

Athous samai Guglielmi & Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous senaci Buysson, 1889 [species]

Athous serbicus Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous settei Guglielmi & Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous sinuatocollis Desbrochers des Loges, 1870 [species]

Athous stoimenovae Platia, 2001 [species]

Athous subtruncatus Mulsant & Guillebeau, 1856 [species]

Athous subvirgatus K. Daniel, 1904 [species]

Athous szombathyi Schenkling, 1927 [species]

Athous talamellii Platia & Gudenzi, 1998 [species]

Athous tauricola Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous tauricus Candèze, 1860 [species]

Athous tomentosus Mulsant & Guillebeau, 1855 [species]

Athous transsylvanicus Platia, 2001 [species]

Athous turcicus Reitter, 1905 [species]

Athous uncicollis Perris, 1864 [species]

Athous vicinus Desbrochers des Loges, 1873 [species]

Athous villosulus Desbrochers des Loges, 1875 [species]

Athous vomeroi Platia, 1988 [species]

Athous zappiorum Platia, 1985 [species]

Athous photos with superspecies identification

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Athous sp.


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07.03.2016 20:45, Vasiliy Feoktistov Parent taxon has been changed.

Elateridae → Hemicrepidiina.

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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