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How does the caterpillar crawl?

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsHow does the caterpillar crawl?

edem, 18.04.2006 13:02

when animating a 3D model of the Black Swallowtail caterpillar (Papilio polyxenes)
(only about 100kb with textures) I periodically squeeze it-stretch it and at the same time move it evenly to the left. How do the caterpillars actually fly?

A similar question is about the movement of butterfly wings. Why are there two pairs of wings and how do they move? Where can I view it? (animation of butterflies in the same place in the 3D gallery)



18.04.2006 13:16, Dmitrii Musolin

Try to view it:

Brodsky A. K. Mekhanika poleta insektov i evolyutsiya ikh krylovogo apparata [Mechanics of insect flight and evolution of their wing apparatus]. LSU Publishing House, 1988, 207 p.



18.04.2006 13:52, edem

Thank you, I found Brodsky's article in Soros Educational journal

18.04.2006 15:31, Guest

unfortunately, the article shows a diagram of wing movement only for a fly (well, a fly is almost a pet smile.gif

19.04.2006 16:17, Guest

Aha, I still found the MOVIE "Larva Locomotion: A Closer Look" (1.2 and 3.3 Mb)
nothing to do with animation smile.gif
I'll try to redo it

19.04.2006 16:35, Guest

there's also a movie about her breakfast and much more
unfortunately, the movement of the wings in flight is not captured very well.

20.04.2006 10:05, Guest

I made her crawl properly!
true, I don't really like that butterflies don't flutter (like their friends outside the window), but fly like hefty birds smile.gif

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