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Burying beetles

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsBurying beetles

Zurchik, 21.10.2006 12:41

Help the poor student! I need information on dead-eaters. I'm writing a thesis on this topic, but there's a snag with the information. I will be very grateful for any feedback.


22.10.2006 14:58, Лекс

What exactly do you need? Please be more specific.

22.10.2006 16:56, Mylabris

Try to find the book: G. V. Nikolaev, V. O. Kozminykh: Dead-eating Beetles, Almaty, Kazak Universitet, 2002.

22.10.2006 17:49, Shofffer

Available in electronic form:
Catalog of dead eaters of the subfamily of grave diggers (Nicrophorinae) of the world.
[Sikes, Madge & Newton, 2002
A catalog of the Nicrophorinae (Coleoptera: Silphidae) of the world
Magnolia Press, Auckland, New Zealand, 304 pp.]

22.10.2006 21:40, Bad Den

2 Mylabris:
Can I find out more about this book?

23.10.2006 10:50, Mylabris

May. Nikolaev is my teacher (a year ago we published a monograph on abscesses in Kazakhstan). This book is a guide to all Palearctic dead eaters with specific essays for each taxon. In addition to the sirphids, the family agyrtidae, which is close to them (and was previously included in the dead eaters), is also given. It is no longer possible to buy it - since 2002, the entire print run has sold out. I have it, of course, but in one copy. I won't say that tomorrow or the day after, but I'll scan it and try to send it to you as a PDF. I'm currently scanning the Palearctic Coleoptera catalog (volume 3) - almost 700 pages - so I don't have time...
Likes: 1

23.10.2006 12:53, guest: Лекс

I need information on the research of dead-eaters in the regions adjacent to the Vologda Oblast. When the last studies were conducted,what is the species diversity? The Internet has very monotonous information, general. I searched for information in the university library, in various scientific journals, but found little useful.

23.10.2006 13:08, Zurchik

I need information on the research of dead-eaters in the regions adjacent to the Vologda Oblast. When the last studies were conducted,what is the species diversity? The Internet has very monotonous information, general. I searched for information in the university library, in various scientific journals, but found little useful.

Please excuse me, this is my message. It's just that it's my first time on the forum and I haven't settled in yet. The content is correct, but I didn't want to use someone else's name.

23.10.2006 13:23, Zurchik

Thanks for the advice, but unfortunately I didn't find this book. frown.gif

23.10.2006 13:28, Zurchik

Can you tell me how to find this katologue? confused.gif

23.10.2006 14:03, Cerambyx

Mylabris, can I somehow get your article on abscesses of the lower reaches of the Ural River?
By the way, do you know what kind of bronze-green Meloe species (much less often blue) from the scabriusculus-brevicollis group is found in the Southern Urals?

23.10.2006 16:12, Лекс

There's also something about dead eaters in Fabre's book. Volume two.

23.10.2006 16:29, Mylabris

to Cerambyx.
I will send the article to you by e-mail.

23.10.2006 16:31, Mylabris

I'd forgotten all about Mikey.
This is either M. decorus or a very rare and forgotten species of M. aeneus. It would be great if you could take a picture of the animal and send it to me by email.

23.10.2006 17:39, Shofffer

Can you tell me how to find this katologue?

I can send it to the soap, if necessary. Fortunately, it weighs only 1.54 MB.

23.10.2006 19:57, Bad Den

2 Shofffer:
It is better to use some kind of Rapidshare, so that everyone can download it, who needs it.

Isn't that him, by the way?"
Zootaxa 65: 1-304 (29 August 2002) 1 plate; 1150 references
A catalog of the Nicrophorinae (Coleoptera: Silphidae) of the world
D. S. SIKES (USA), R. B. MADGE (Canada) & A. F. NEWTON (USA)


This post was edited by Bad Den - 10/23/2006 19: 58
Likes: 1

23.10.2006 23:37, Shofffer

Isn't that him, by the way?"

Of course it's him.

And here is more information on dead eaters:
List of dead-eating beetles (Silphidae) of the fauna of Russia
(just updated yesterday).
Likes: 1

26.10.2006 9:31, Dmitry Vlasov

Has information on Yaroslavl dead eaters... As well as fees from the Vologda region.. if you are interested, Write to me on "soap"

26.10.2006 10:27, guest: KDG

There is also such a work-Khachikov E. A., Popov D. S. 2006. New data on the morphology and taxonomy of some species of the genus Nicrophorus Fabricius, 1775 / / Caucasian Entomological Bulletin, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 27-40.

02.11.2006 15:51, Zurchik

Thanks, Fabra, I've already looked at it, but I'll look again. Suddenly I looked through something.


02.11.2006 15:57, Zurchik

is very grateful, but you don't need to send the katologue, I already threw it off for myself, as well as the list.

02.11.2006 16:23, Zurchik

guest: KDG
Thank you, but I'm afraid we don't have one in our library. Can you tell me if you can find it on the Internet?

02.11.2006 16:39, guest: KDG

guest: KDG
Thank you, but I'm afraid we don't have one in our library. Can you tell me if you can find it on the Internet?

Definitely not on the Internet, but I can try to get a pdf. send it to where?

07.11.2006 14:22, Zurchik

guest: KDG
And through the forum on the soap can send? I will be very grateful.

22.11.2006 14:29, Zurchik

I sent you an email via the forum. I hope it got through?

23.11.2006 8:36, Dmitry Vlasov


23.11.2006 8:36, Dmitry Vlasov

Take my coordinates from Neporotovsky or Yu. N. Belova!

03.01.2007 23:44, Victor Titov

Has information on Yaroslavl dead eaters... As well as fees from the Vologda region.. if you are interested, Write to me on"soap"

And what exactly is there in the Yaroslavl region? List of species? I would like to get acquainted, I myself am from the Yaroslavl region.

05.01.2007 2:40, Victor Titov

I have been systematically collecting beetles in the Yaroslavl region since 1983. Из Silphidae нашёл: Nicrophorus humator, Nicrophorus vespillo, Nicrophorus vespilloides, Nicrophorus investigator, Necrodes littoralis, Thanatophilus rugosus, Thanatophilus sinuatus, Thanatophilus dispar(?), Oiceoptoma thoracica, Aclypaea opaca, Silpha carinata, Phosphuga atrata.

05.01.2007 3:20, RippeR

Does Aclypaea opaca live on beets?

05.01.2007 4:37, Victor Titov

Does Aclypaea opaca live on beets?

Well, beet fields (not counting the beds in vegetable gardens) in the Yaroslavl region have never been. But Aclypaea opaca is herbivorous in the literature. I caught one specimen in the Uglich district of the Yaroslavl region near a agricultural field (but since it was sown with flax, I can't say what the "beast" was feeding on). I also found it in the Rostov region (just crawling) and in Karelia.

12.01.2007 4:15, AGG

2Zurchik I
can scan the theses of the 2nd regional conference "ecological and faunal research in the central Chernozem region and adjacent territories" there is an article by yu. i. chernenko-dead eaters of the Voronezh region.there are already 18 species. if necessary, write to the soap.

17.12.2016 8:02, Андреас

People (well, I don't have to ask the dead eaters), please clarify how much this is bullshit, or not (I'm watching the American movie "These nightmare insects 1"

17.12.2016 8:55, kvoncstu

2Zurchik I
can scan the theses of the 2nd regional conference "ecological and faunal research in the central Chernozem region and adjacent territories" there is an article by yu. i. chernenko-dead eaters of the Voronezh region.there are already 18 species. if necessary, write to the soap.

Please send me these abstracts to: kvoncstu@yahoo.com , kvoncstu@mail.ru . Maybe you have other articles on Silphidae from collections?
Thank you very much!

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