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List of Trogidae of Saratov region

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsList of Trogidae of Saratov region

Алексей Сажнев, 14.02.2010 16:43

List of scavengers (Trogidae) Saratov region

A. S. Sazhnev

Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov
Saratov Branch of REO

on the rights of the manuscript

The Trogidae family includes about 300 species of world fauna [5]. In the fauna of Russia, there are 9 species of the genus Trox [1, 3]. I. V. Shokhin [3] gives 7 species of the family for the territory of Southern Russia. Data on the scavenger fauna of the Saratov region with direct collection points on its territory can be found in N. L. Sakharov's report on coleoptera of the Saratov province [2], where he cites 3 trox species. In this article, a list of Trogidae of the Saratov region is compiled on the basis of literature and collection data. Views listed for the region for the first time are marked with an asterisk (*).

I would like to express my gratitude to I. V. Kryukov, I. A. Zabaluev, A. B. Khalturin (Saratov), A.V. Kovalev (Ulyanovsk), A.M. Shapovalov (Orenburg), and Ya. N.Kovalenko (Belgorod).

Trogidae Macleay, 1819

Views shown for the region are marked with an asterisk (*) for the first time.

Trox cadaverinus Illiger, 1802
Sakharov, 1903: 40 - "flying in the daytime, often on sandy roads; 15.VI". - Saratov region, Tatishchevsky district, okr. s. Oktyabrsky gorodok (near Sakharov "Nikolaevsky gorodok").
Xerophilus, keratophage. VI-IX. The species is associated with sandy soils and is characteristic of both forest zones and steppes (Shokhin, 2007).
Material: Saratov region. Krasnoarmeysky district, surrounding village. Kamensky, 1989 (1 copy) leg. I. V. Kryukov, det. A. S. Sazhnev, coll. I. V. Kryukova.

Photo from the site http://www.zin.ru (photo by M. E. Smirnov), Edeagus by M. Bunalski, 1999.

*Trox eversmanni Krynicky, 1832
Botryobiont, common in rodent and fox burrows. According to Medvedev (1947), the coprophage, in our opinion, like other representatives of this genus, is a keratophagus. Xerophilus (Shokhin, 2007).
Material: Saratov region, Rtishchevsky district, Klyuchi village, Makarovsky zakaznik, na svet, 26-28. VI. 2008 (1 copy) leg. I. V. Kryukov, A. S. Sazhnev, det. A. S. Sazhnev, coll. A. S. Sazhneva.
Note: The Saratov specimen is black (approximately as in the second photo), and not rusty-red as it is written in most keys, the maximum legs are brown, the dimensions are 6.8 mm. Non-family specimens are known from Southern Russia and are tentatively identified as Trox perrisii Fairmaire, 1868; however, comparative data from Europe is required for full confidence (Shokhin, 2007). Taking into account the general distribution of the following species: Trox eversmanni - from the Czech Republic to Siberia, including Central Asia, sandy deserts and steppes; Trox perrisii-Europe, North Africa, Turkey, which is given for the first time in Southern Russia (Shokhin, 2007), and morphological features, we concluded that the find should be attributed to Trox eversmanni Krynicky, 1832.

Photos from websites http://www.zin.ru (photo by M. E. Smirnov) and http://kawamo.co.jp, Edeagus by M. Bunalski, 1999.

Trox sabulosus ssp. sabulosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Sakharov, 1903: 40 - " flying in the daytime; on the corpses of small animals: hedgehogs, mice, etc.".
The mesophile, or keratophagus, is confined to forest landscapes. The species is distributed from Europe to Primorye; the nominate subspecies occupies the west of its range, extending east to Lake Baikal (Shokhin, 2007).

Photo from the site http://www.colpolon.biol.uni.wroc.pl, Edeagus by Stebnicka, 1983.

Trox scaber (Linnaeus, 1767)
Sakharov, 1903: 40 - "let in the evenings and on the fire at night; 25. IV".
Mesophile, found in forest landscapes, where it is often associated with burrows and nests, keratophagus (Shokhin, 2007).
Material: "Saratov region" – without a more precise label, call SGAU.

Photo from the site http://www.zin.ru (photo by K. V. Makarov), Edeagus by M. Bunalski, 1999.

*Trox hispidus ssp. niger Rossi, 1792
Xerophile, a keratophage that mainly adheres to open biotopes. The subspecies niger is distributed in Southern Europe, Southern Russia, Anatolia, and Central Asia up to China (Shokhin, 2007).
Material: Saratov region, Rtishchevsky district, Klyuchi village, Makarovsky zakaznik, na svet, 26-28. VI. 2008 (1 copy) leg. I. V. Kryukov, A. S. Sazhnev, det. A. S. Sazhnev, coll. A. S. Sazhneva.

Photo from the site http://www.zin.ru (photo by K. V. Makarov), Edeagus by Stebnicka, 1983.

Below is a table of comparative characteristics of Trogidae species:

1. Trox sabulosus, 2. Trox hispidus, 3. Trox scaber, 4. Trox eversmanni, 5. Trox perrisii, 6. Trox cadaverinus. By Stebnicka, 1983


1. Berlov E. Ya., Kalinina O. I., Nikolaev G. V. Semeystvo Scarabaeidae – Plastinchatousye [Family Scarabaeidae-Plastinchatousy] / / Opredelitel 'izeksekovykh Vostoka SSSR (Opredelitel' izeksekovykh Vostoka SSSR (Volume III, Part 1). - Leningrad, Nauka, 1989. pp. 380-434.
2. Sakharov N. L. Beetles of the vicinity of the Mariinsky land tract and other places of the Saratov region Trudy Saratovskogo obshchestva estestvoispytatelei i lyububov prirody [Proceedings of the Saratov Society of Natural Scientists and Nature Lovers]. Volume 4, No. 2. Saratov, 1903. 3-86 p.
3. Shokhin I. V. Materials on the fauna of plate-whiskered beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) Southern Russia. // Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. Issue 3 (2): 2007. pp. 105-185.
4. Bunalski M., 1999. Die Blatthornkäfer Mitteleuropas. Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea. Bestimmung-Verbreitung-Ökologie. Frantiłek Slamka, Bratislava, 80 pp.
5. Scholtz C.H. Catalogue of the world Trogidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Republic of South Africa, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Entomology Memoire 54: 1982. P. 1–27.
6. Stebnicka Z. 1983. Lucanidae - Trogidae. In: Klucze do oznaczania owadow Polski [Keys for identification of Polish insects]. Part XIX (26-27): Coleoptera. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa. 26 pp.

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 19.02.2010 12: 50

picture: Trox_cadaverinus_Illiger__1802.jpg
Trox_cadaverinus_Illiger__1802.jpg — (31.99к)

picture: Trox_eversmanni_Krynicky__1832.jpg
Trox_eversmanni_Krynicky__1832.jpg — (48.27к)

picture: Trox_sabulosus_ssp._sabulosus__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg
Trox_sabulosus_ssp._sabulosus__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (31.81к)

picture: Trox_scaber__Linnaeus__1767_.jpg
Trox_scaber__Linnaeus__1767_.jpg — (25.49к)

picture: Trox_hispidus_ssp._niger_Rossi__1792.jpg
Trox_hispidus_ssp._niger_Rossi__1792.jpg — (26.02к)

Trox.jpg — (145.78к)


18.02.2010 17:30, PG18

Useful publications... Thank you.
Don't you have Trox morticinii? Is it only in the lower Volga region?
...Well, such a healthy beast.
Likes: 1

18.02.2010 17:44, Алексей Сажнев

Trox morticinii is distributed in steppes and semi-deserts from Southern Russia (Kalmykia and the Astrakhan region are known to me), through Kazakhstan, to Mongolia.
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18.02.2010 18:05, PG18

I think it's more accurate to say: ... on deserts and desolate steppes (="semi-deserts")

19.02.2010 12:48, Алексей Сажнев

Since we are talking about trogids from European Russia, I will add information on:

Trox morticinii Pallas, 1781

Shokhin, 2007: 111-112 - " Material. Kalmykia: Utta, 9.06.1976; Tugtun, 19.05.1976. Astrakhan region: Baskunchak, on the corpse of a sheep, 9.05.1991.
Biology. Xerophile, keratophage. V–VI. Rare.
Distribution. Steppes and semi-deserts from Southern Russia to Mongolia".

photo from the site http://www.zin.ru (photo by M. E. Smirnov).

Trox perrisii Fairmaire, 1868

Shokhin, 2007: 112-Material. Rostov region: Kalininsky, 4-9. 07. 2001 (Khachikov), 1♂, 2 copies. Krasnodarsky kr. [ZM MSU].
Remarks. This species is tentatively identified as Trox perrisii, but comparative material from Europe is required to be completely certain.
Biology. It is recorded in forest and forest-steppe areas, possibly associated with rodent burrows.
Distribution. Europe, North Africa, Turkey, and Southern Russia are listed for the first time."

Photography and the Aedeagus by M. Bunalski, 1999


1. Shokhin I. V. Materials on the fauna of plate-whiskered beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) Southern Russia. // Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. Issue 3 (2): 2007. pp. 105-185.
3. Bunalski M., 1999. Die Blatthornkäfer Mitteleuropas. Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea. Bestimmung-Verbreitung-Ökologie. Frantiłek Slamka, Bratislava, 80 pp.

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 19.02.2010 13: 01

picture: trox_morticinii_pall.jpg
trox_morticinii_pall.jpg — (93.46к)

picture: Trox_perrisii_Fairmaire__1868.jpg
Trox_perrisii_Fairmaire__1868.jpg — (28.32к)

Likes: 6

14.04.2010 19:33, Алексей Сажнев

An annotated list of scavengers of the Saratov region is published in:

Sazhnev A. S. List of scavengers (Coleoptera, Trogidae) Lomonosov-2010: XVII International Conference of students, postgraduates and young Scientists; section "Biology"; April 12-15, 2010; Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology: Abstracts of reports / Comp.: G. V. Kochetova, Moscow: MAKS Press, 2010, pp. 129-130.
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08.05.2010 8:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

I decided to display here my trophy from yesterday (I collected Trox for the first time).
Flew yesterday to the light of the UV tube to my balcony: M. O. G. Zheleznodorozhny - 1ekz.
On the forum, it was defined to me as:
Trox scaber Linnaeus, 1767 (please correct if this is not the case).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 08.05.2010 08: 52

picture: P5082450.jpg
P5082450.jpg — (48.83к)

13.05.2010 16:21, Алексей Сажнев

Yes, I agree with the definition, in the first days of May, 1 copy was also brought to light. Trox scaber-Material: Saratov region, Rovno district, Lugovskoe village, Bizyuk River bank, 4-9.V. 2010 (1 copy) leg.& det. I. A. Zabaluev (coll. I. A. Zabalueva).
Likes: 1

13.05.2010 16:42, vasiliy-feoktistov

Yes, I agree with the definition, in the first days of May, 1 copy was also brought to light. Trox scaber-Material: Saratov region, Rovno district, Lugovskoe village, Bizyuk River bank, 4-9.V. 2010 (1 copy) leg.& det. I. A. Zabaluev (coll. I. A. Zabalueva).

Thank you, Alexey beer.gif! The first trox is still for me jump.gif. Yes, right at home (balcony: 3rd floor of a five-story building), almost in the city center!
Likes: 1

19.05.2010 15:38, Алексей Сажнев

Trox scaber (Linnaeus, 1767)

Material: Saratov region, Rovno district, Lugovskoe village, Bizyuk River bank, na svet, 4-9.V. 2010 (1 copy) leg. & det. I. A. Zabaluev, collection of I. A. Zabaluev, photo: I. A. Zabaluev.

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 19.05.2010 15: 41

picture: Trox_scaber__Linnaeus__1767_.jpg
Trox_scaber__Linnaeus__1767_.jpg — (26.03к)

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20.01.2011 6:12, scar

For Trox perrisii, the genitals are different (Marek Bunalski unfortunately gave an incorrect drawing in his monograph), you can take for example from Baraud, 1992.
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24.03.2011 21:17, Алексей Сажнев

If it is not difficult, could you post an image, I do not have this work at hand. Thank you.

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