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Scarabaeidae (Cetoniinae)

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsScarabaeidae (Cetoniinae)

vsevsad, 11.06.2012 20:04

Hello! I most likely their attitude to insects will cause outrage forumchan, but in addition to the irresistible fear I have not experienced anything to them since childhoodfrown.gif(( In my apartment I found a beetle jumping on the bag. According to the description and photos on the Internet, apparently it is Scarabaeidae (Cetoniinae) dark green. I read that they live in the Caucasus, the Crimea, and other southern regions, which Khimki near Moscow does not belong to in any way. The question is: where did it come from? Is it possible for it to live in the middle zone, or did I bring it from somewhere? I also see the problem in the fact that I work with long-distance and international mailings (letters, parcels, etc.) and I would not like to have a "zoo"at all. Thank you in advance for your answer!


11.06.2012 20:18, vasiliy-feoktistov

Hello! I most likely their attitude to insects will cause outrage forumchan, but in addition to the irresistible fear I have not experienced anything to them since childhoodfrown.gif(( In my apartment I found a beetle jumping on the bag. According to the description and photos on the Internet, apparently it is Scarabaeidae (Cetoniinae) dark green. I read that they live in the Caucasus, the Crimea, and other southern regions, which Khimki near Moscow does not belong to in any way. The question is: where did it come from? Is it possible for it to live in the middle zone, or did I bring it from somewhere? I also see the problem in the fact that I work with long-distance and international mailings (letters, parcels, etc.) and I would not like to have a "zoo"at all. Thank you in advance for your answer!

There are plenty of Bronzes in the Moscow region and there is nothing to be afraid of them.
3 of the most frequent types:
Cetonia (s.str.) aurata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Protaetia (Potosia) metallica (Herb., 1782)
Oxythyrea funesta (Poda, 1761)
And this is not a zoo, but nature, the product of which is also a person (the same animal as the bronzes is only vertebrate and warm-blooded).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 11.06.2012 20: 23

11.06.2012 20:27, vsevsad

Thank you, Vasily! I have nothing against beetles. Let them live and fly, but the farther away from me, the better. I can't cope with this fear frown.gif((The house is full of various spiders and other strange beetles because of the wooden floors. In nature-yes, but in the home I think it is useless. This is what I call a "zoo." I didn't want to offend anyone.

12.06.2012 0:57, Black Coleopter

Dear girl, for a specific definition of your fears, photos are desirable. And there's no need to be afraid of bronzes. Bronzes are female beetles. They are as beautiful as all women, light and gorgeous.

29.06.2012 10:51, Sanangel

vsevsad, if you "dug up" this forum and start asking something-this is already fine. Take a closer look at her (bronzerka) again and see the perfect creature, which is still a long way away...

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