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Color vars of Formica sanguinea

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsColor vars of Formica sanguinea

Ksedorium, 03.09.2014 15:11

I noticed a significant difference in the color of Formica sanguinea workers in two different populations. In one of them, the workers were bright red, the head and chest were completely red; in the second, the forehead, back of the head, and sometimes the spot on the chest of the ants were reddish-brown, the overall brightness of the color is not so intense, they looked more like Formica rufa. In both cases, there is no doubt about the correctness of the definition. But the difference in color was so obvious that I was very interested in it. Can you tell me how this can be caused? The difference in color is due to genetics or depends on environmental conditions? Has there been any research done on this topic? What kind of literature, scientific articles, etc. can you recommend it?


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