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Closely related insects of different ecological niches

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsClosely related insects of different ecological niches

guest: Mikhail, 02.08.2017 21:34

Can anyone suggest any insects that for representatives of the same genus would have a big difference (or even diversity) of habitats and / or lifestyle?


02.08.2017 21:57, ИНО

It all depends on what counts as a big difference or variety. Any pair of species has some differences in their ecological niches. Make your requirements clearer.

02.08.2017 22:34, guest: Mikhail

Well, strong distinctions are desirable, such as: aquatic/terrestrial/subterranean lifestyles (flying and not will do too), predator/prey (herbivore), migratory and not, nocturnal/diurnal.

03.08.2017 0:06, ИНО

Well, there are a lot of options on all these points, and, in many cases, not only in the chapels of the same genus, but even within the same species (different morphs). The only thing is, I do not recall genera in which there would be both purely aquatic and purely terrestrial representatives. But, I think, and such should exist, I just haven't heard about them, which is not surprising with such a huge class of which insects are lying around. What do you need it for?

03.08.2017 11:38, guest: Mikhail

To describe phenotypes, specifically: micro-nano-structures. It is not morphs that are desirable, but different species. The more examples , the better.

15.08.2017 14:10, Guest

so no one will help me?

15.08.2017 23:45, СергейС.С

so no one will help me?

Maybe you should see water-loving beetles,I don't think I remember exactly ,but there are both water and land species.And bedbugs have something similar.

The post was edited by SergeiS.From-15.08.2017 23: 49

15.08.2017 23:49, ИНО

In my opinion, they are in different genera.

16.08.2017 8:05, Витаминыч

You just need to work hard: take, for example, the "green" insect identifier and carefully review it-genus by genus, page by page, volume by volume. wink.gif

16.08.2017 17:55, ИНО

I wonder how it can help in terms of ecology. Okay, let's start at the end of the list: migrating / settled-Vanessa cardui and almost any other, Vanessa atalanta - something in between. I have no idea where to look at the nanostructures there. If I remember any other example, I will unsubscribe, I'm not going to purposefully dig this strange topic. But, by and large, the approach to the problem is methodologically incorrect in many aspects (IMHO, of course).

14.12.2017 18:37, PVOzerski

Well, let's say that the locusts Chorthippus montanus and Chorthippus parallelus in the North-West of Russia clearly differ in the preferred humidity of their habitats: the former tends to swampy meadows, the latter - to moderately moist ones. It's certainly not a different habitat, but... However, I do not know any quantitative or at least geobotanical evidence of this difference, I describe my impression from field observations. But these species are not just from the same genus, but extremely close to each other.

Oh! There is an amazing example - bumblebees. There are typical Bombus-normal eusocial species, and there are so-called bumblebees-cuckoos-obligate social parasites. Previously, these cuckoos were considered as a special genus Psithyrus, but now they are usually included in the same genus as other bumblebees. There are clearly different niches here. And if you also dig into the differences in the choice of places for nests of bumblebees of different species...

14.12.2017 18:43, ИНО

This phenomenon occurs not only in bumblebees, but in almost every genus of social insects.

14.12.2017 18:55, PVOzerski

This phenomenon occurs not only in bumblebees, but in almost every genus of social insects.

Well, in each case or not-and that bumblebees are not alone in this-a fact. smile.gif Offhand, I recall the same thing in some paper wasps - only I do not know how they are now divided into genera.

14.12.2017 19:12, Hierophis

14.12.2017 21:22, ИНО

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