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Dangerous insects of Zanzibar

Community and ForumHow to get rid of insectsDangerous insects of Zanzibar

Pages: 1 2

15.01.2021 21:37, алекс 2611

Do megahills make nests out of clay? confused.gif

The biology of tropical bees is not well understood.
Nesting sites of this species are unknown

25.01.2023 16:37, excellens

AVA, thank you for the information. And another question about Asians. As I understand it, their migration is limited by coniferous taiga, which stretches for thousands of kilometers, that is, ten times more than the" flight zone " of the uterus. And if some environmental terrorist brings a mandarinia uterus to the European part of the Russian Federation, theoretically they can take root and breed here (God forbid, of course)?

As it happened in the US this year. The delivery was clearly deliberate. After all, even if we assume that the uterus accidentally got into the cargo from Asia, the chances of survival of one individual are extremely small. Well, the ocean must be crossed, without food it is probably unlikely. The nest is also unlikely to have been brought in by accident, it is difficult not to notice it. So there was a targeted import of the population.

And more about hornets in the United States. You wrote that there are no" native " hornets there. I read a book as a child, I don't remember the title or author, but it's someone from the "classic" clip, the level of Twain, Cooper, etc., it mentioned that "a hornet circled a lamp", it was about the USA 100+ years ago. The point is clear, the book is fiction, and theoretically you can write anything you want there. But you must agree, if this is the author's fantasy, then it is strange. And also – I do not doubt your knowledge in any way, I'm just telling you a curious fact.
Given the general entomological illiteracy of our population, including those burdened with higher natural science education , I would not trust a translator... yes, and what they called hornets in those States a hundred years ago - we call horseflies gadflies. And Voynich's famous book is called "Gadfly" - which translates into Russian as both gadfly and horsefly

PS the topic of the branch can be safely changed to "questions of an interested amateur about hornets" smile.gif

31.05.2024 9:58, Harper99

The tropical environment of Zanzibar is home to a variety of harmful insects, such as tsetse flies that cause sleeping sickness and mosquitoes that spread dengue and malaria. It is advisable for travelers to take preventive measures such using insect repellent, sleeping beneath nets, and donning protective gear.GB Whatsapp

Pages: 1 2

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