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New European checklist for Lepidoptera

Community and ForumTaxonomy. ClassificationNew European checklist for Lepidoptera

Alexandr Zhakov, 27.03.2011 16:18

There are several questions about the new European checklist:
1. Who are the authors?
2. Source data, where published, what to link to?
3. What territories are meant by HDI regions:


27.03.2011 16:36, barko

what is it anyway? Where can I see it?

27.03.2011 16:45, Alexandr Zhakov

Let's start from the beginning. smile.gif
I downloaded it from the Internet. the file is now unavailable. only the name remains.
View now here: http://rghost.ru/4953838
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27.03.2011 17:21, barko

Let's start from the beginning. smile.gif
I downloaded it from the Internet. the file is now unavailable. only the name remains.
View now here: http://rghost.ru/4953838
looks like someone's "samizdat"
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27.03.2011 17:37, Alexandr Zhakov

And the third question? Any suggestions?

27.03.2011 17:56, Aurelian

1. The file properties specify Erik J. van Nieukerken
2. In this version of the list of diaries of Ukraine, coelestina and jutta are absent, while iolas, ripartii ripartii, chrysippus, telona, pronoe and tarpeia are indicated. Are you sure you want to refer to this? ;-)
3. RU-NOZ - judging by the list of diaries, Novaya Zemlya?
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27.03.2011 18:47, Alexandr Zhakov


1. As far as I know, there is a team of authors.
2. There will be inaccuracies in any work of this size. You can also specify discrepancies for both daily and other groups. The work was done on the basis of published data From what you question in Ukraine tarpeia is cited more than once, chrysippus is cited by Budashkin in Vestnik Zoologii - this is just an example. I want to refer to a specific list, not the distribution of individual species.
3. RU-NOZ - judging by the list of diaries, Novaya Zemlya? probably a more extensive northern region.
RU-KGD - Kaliningrad region.

27.03.2011 19:09, Kharkovbut

While the list is being downloaded, I'll make a hypothesis... wink.gif

RU-RUC: central part of European Russia
RU-RUE: eastern...
RU-RUN: northern...
RU-RUS: southern...
RU-RUW: western...
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27.03.2011 19:12, Kharkovbut

RU-FJL: Franz Josef Land, however... smile.gif
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27.03.2011 19:18, Alexandr Zhakov

RU-FJL: Franz Josef Land, however... smile.gif

However... smile.gif

27.03.2011 19:25, Kharkovbut

>As far as I know, there is a team of authors there

A collective of anonymous authors? wink.gif

By the way, about this and other similar lists: does anyone know on the basis of what works P. (A.) dardanus was singled out as a separate species (and not a subspecies of pyrenaicus)?
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27.03.2011 19:48, Kharkovbut

The "anonymous" list clearly has a similar origin to the list on Chris Yonko's website. Here, for example: http://www.lepidoptera.pl/ListFamily.php?f...ode=&country=UA

Both there and there in the list for Ukraine Polyommatus eleniae Coutsis & De Prins, 2005-and this probably refers to P. elena Stradomsky & Arzanov, 1999. As they say, they heard the bell, but they don't know where it is... wink.gif

There are, however, some differences in the lists.

In Chris ' case, the list with Fauna Europaea was used as a basis. Then the list, apparently, was "finalized"... The same story, obviously, with the "anonymous" list.

27.03.2011 19:51, Kharkovbut

From Fauna Europaea:

Russia Central
Russia East
Russia North
Russia Northwest
Russia South

I almost guessed right... smile.gif
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27.03.2011 20:01, Kharkovbut

Just noticed: on Fauna Europaea Hesperiidae is now included in Papilionoidea. Accordingly, Hesperioidea does not include anything. smile.gif UGH!..

27.03.2011 20:06, Alexandr Zhakov

>As far as I know, there is a team of authors there

A collective of anonymous authors? wink.gif

By the way, about this and other similar lists: does anyone know on the basis of which works P. (A.) dardanus began to be separated into a separate species (and not a subspecies pyrenaicus)?

The authors are not anonymous, it just dawned on me, no authors. smile.gif
The history of P. (A.) dardanus is here: http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/i...ades/index.html
Otakar Kudrna was the last person to reach the species status. Here is a list of his works http://www.naturmuseum.it/downloads/Publikationen_Kudrna.pdf, in which of them he did this, I did not find.
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27.03.2011 23:36, Kharkovbut

This is understandable; here: The Distribution atlas of European butterflies – - Oedippus 20: 1-342 edited by Kudrna dardanus goes as a species, without comment. I thought that maybe there was fresh data, on the molecular model there, or something else... smile.gif

No comments on Hesperiidae? Did someone really combine them into one superfamily, Papilionoidea? Or a software glitch? smile.gif Otherwise, the taxonomy of higher taxa has been changing too dramatically lately...

And the list, I think, is some kind of working version for Fauna Europaea. By the way, a very useful thing: the bibliography is still there... Thank you, Djon!
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