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v00d00911, 26.01.2015 22:27

Help us create a modern hierarchical tree of insects. That is, identify all the elements that are included in this structure. For example: Class-subclass-superorder-squad....... type-subspecies. With Latin and Russian names up to species.(I'll find and write down the types and subspecies myself.)

This post was edited by v00d00911-26.01.2015 22: 28


26.01.2015 22:56, Alexandr Zhakov

This is more than 100,000 elements, don't you mind?

27.01.2015 12:49, v00d00911

This is more than 100,000 elements, don't you mind?

No, it doesn't bother me. If you know how many elements, you could give a link to the source and that's it!!!

30.01.2015 16:16, v00d00911

Forum dead hike.

30.01.2015 18:17, AGG

well, at least http://www.faunaeur.org/taxon_tree.php

30.01.2015 23:23, Alexandr Zhakov

well, at least http://www.faunaeur.org/taxon_tree.php

This will not work, there are no Russian names there. smile.gif

31.01.2015 2:25, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

This won't work, there are no Russian names there. smile.gif

And who needs them? smile.gif

31.01.2015 12:55, Alexandr Zhakov

And who needs them? smile.gif

Help us create a modern hierarchical tree of insects. That is, identify all the elements that are included in this structure. For example: Class-subclass-superorder-squad....... type-subspecies. With Latin and Russian names up to species.(I'll find and write down the types and subspecies myself.)

31.01.2015 13:50, Mantispid

What diagnosis will we make? wink.gif

31.01.2015 13:55, Mantispid

Likes: 1

01.02.2015 17:56, v00d00911


Спасибо я это уже и сам нашел. Но по Бей-Биенко более структурировано.

01.02.2015 20:25, John-ST


А почему верблюдки и большекрылые подотряды сетчатокрылых, вроде они уже давно самостоятельные отряды?
И на фото для верблюдок не Inocellia crassicornis, а кто-то из Raphidiidae, на птеростигме хорошо видна поперечная жилка, которой нет у Inocellia, и глазки вроде на голове проглядываются. Могу выложить на яндекс фотках личинку и самку Inocellia crassicornis, заберете для сайта, если нужно.

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