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Mini-PEET awards to enhance transfer of taxonomic knowledge

Community and ForumOffline eventsMini-PEET awards to enhance transfer of taxonomic knowledge

Dmitrii Musolin, 13.03.2007 11:10

Mini-PEET awards to enhance transfer of taxonomic knowledge

SSB is pleased to announce the availability of awards to enhance the
transfer of taxonomic expertise, modeled after the highly successful
PEET program at NSF. Unlike the NSF PEET program, awards will not be
limited to taxonomically understudied taxa; the primary purpose of
this program is to pass on taxonomic expertise in general. The awards
are designed to allow SSB members (students, post-docs, and faculty)
to spend a summer or semester apprenticed to an expert in a
particular taxonomic group. This would support the PEET goal of
passing on taxonomic expertise before it is lost. Activities can
include a trip to the taxonomists' laboratory, or pay for the
taxonomist to visit the applicants' laboratory for a period of time.
Requests for support may be in any amount up to $3,000.

A complete application includes:
1) a brief description of the project
2) justification of the importance of the taxon
3) an itemized budget
4) the applicant's CV
5) a letter of support from the taxonomic expert
6) a letter of recommendation (if the applicant is a student or post-doc)

The total application should be no more than two pages long, not
including the curriculum vitae and letters of support.

Requests and inquiries should be sent to Dr. Kelly R. Zamudio, SSB
Award Committee Chair, at krz2@cornell.edu

E-mail submissions are required, and applicants are encouraged to use
pdf format for all documents.

Application deadline is March 31, 2007.

Additional information can be found at http://systbio.org/?q=node/26


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