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Butterflies and moths breeding

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsButterflies and moths breeding

Alexander Belousov, 22.07.2015 6:37

Friends help advice or send to those who help! :-) Demolished femaleParnassius apollossp. merzbacheri. What to do with eggs. How to store. Week hanging in the cage can be dried up? How to determine the "viability" of the material? I would be grateful for any help. I'd like to go all the way to development.


22.07.2015 7:01, Yuri Semejkin

Alexander ! Tell us about your case, and then decide. I took a sheet once and only kirkazona home found him laying on altsinoya. I had to grow up. In general, he took the plastic cup from under 0.5 liters of kvass. I splashed a bit of water there.Then take a piece of cellophane package, I made a hole in it to pass the sheet on which a cutting masonry, lowered gently into the cup, so cutting the sheet into contact with the water and everything. Liszt constantly fresh and newborn caterpillars is very fresh. This is when you can grow food changed every 2-3 days.The bag in the cup should fit snugly against the wall to eliminate the fall of the future of small larvae into the water. In general, I have all been born, all the tracks have been preserved, and after some time released into the wild on their host plants. Here such I had the experience of growing.
I hope somehow sorientirueshsya yet, and before you know, and others.people would vote, could be more specific. Good luck !!!

22.07.2015 11:44, Alex Dumchus

But it is in vain - to produce in nature. This year I released a hundred pieces of Saturnia piri second abrikosu- age on up, no not lived up to the third age, ate spiders and ants. A 12-14 left in the cage, 3 pupated safely.

22.07.2015 14:06, Yuri Semejkin

Oh Alexander and volumes at you though. With regard to release into the wild, and their preservation in the future. I released his flock in the same "youth", not all will survive of course, you are right.

22.07.2015 17:32, Alexander Belousov

Thank you for your participation, but how to bring up and bring to the adult stage, I know. I have a specific case - Apollo. With him I was not the case. Here advice is needed for the storage of masonry today. In winter, it is clear - a refrigerator, and now what? Leave the room, on the street? There is +38 ° + 44 °, houses + 31 °. The biotope dispersion of heat per day from day 35 ° to 3 ° at night.

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