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The entomologist's dream:)

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsThe entomologist's dream:)

Kharkovbut, 01.01.2012 20:09

In the new year, I was drawn to all sorts of nonsense... I don't think there was such a topic yet. smile.gif

1) "Entomologist's Dream" - such a composition is musical, jazz (mainstream), Antonin Bily. I have it on vinyl , but I don't have anything to listen to it on anymore. smile.gif Who likes jazz-you can listen here: http://mp3juices.com/music/download/antoni...25807fd8dc.html

2) But that's not what I wanted to talk about... I rarely have entomological dreams, but on the first night of the new year, I did... It's as if I'm walking along some bushes, like a hedge, and suddenly I see a praying mantis, nothing special in appearance, like M. religiosa, but about 20 centimeters long. Of course, I am his (and why should I, it would seem - I do not deal with mantises, although I respect them in a human smile.gifway ) I grab it across my torso, and the mantis immediately bites me painfully (I don't know what exactly smile.gif). Then I notice that there are a dozen more of them sitting on this bush, and several of them jump at me at once and dig into my arm. It hurts!!! I call out for help and-understandably-wake up.

Why such a dream? Where can I find an entomological dream book? tongue.gif lol.gif


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01.01.2012 20:23, Hierophis

This means that there will be no winter, and all the animals will be twice as large wink.gif
Well, or the unseky brotherhood telepathically hints-UNTIL (c) , they say, enough is enough, enough is enough to catch us wink.gif

In general, I often dream of spring, usually I have a dream like "time of year" a month before the onset of this season, which seems to hint that in February it should be spring ))))
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01.01.2012 20:29, Kharkovbut

Well, or the unseky brotherhood telepathically hints-UNTIL (c) , they say, enough is enough, enough is enough to catch us wink.gif
I already catch them at a minimum, only if I really need to-tornado. smile.gif So there was no need to bite me for that. smile.gif As for "more" - well, we'll see. wink.gif

01.01.2012 20:34, Hierophis

And I watched the musical theme, and I understood why you dreamed of such a big praying mantis wink.gif

01.01.2012 20:47, Kharkovbut

And I watched the theme song, and I understood why you had such a big praying mantis in your dream wink.gif
No! I first dreamed about it, and then I remembered about this record. I haven't listened to it in 15 years. smile.gif
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02.01.2012 0:26, Aleksandr Ermakov

If you ever dream, then more often after a long stressful process. Recent soil samples were analyzed for almost three weeks, so the process itself began to dream. And the larvae are kind of intricate. As a child, after a vacation in the village, I "watched" a twitching float for several nights in a row. Very rarely (I remember only once or twice) I dreamed of something interesting, but it was quickly carried away. Usually in such cases I woke up with annoyance smile.gif

02.01.2012 12:18, Dorcadion

I was in the army in a dream several times caught Cechenochilus'ov in the mountains near snowfieldssmile.gif And traps how many put....smile.gif

02.01.2012 12:23, AGG

I caught a sweet-smelling angel last night under the straggling bark of a huge tree! moreover, the beetle was at the molting stage (this was immediately clear smile.gif) - the upper black matte elytra almost fell off and were held only at the base in the form of soft shapeless flaps, and under them were visible beautiful iridescent green lol.gifones that could not be dreamed of after three days of libations beer.gif

02.01.2012 15:11, Wave Storm

I once had a very interesting dream about beautiful daytime butterflies. And I think it was in the Crimea.
If you believe the esoteric teachings of Vadim Zeland, then our dreams are something that may or may not happen to us. So maybe someday I'll see those butterflies live.

02.01.2012 15:33, Valentinus

And today I dreamed that I was collecting quite unusual carabuses, large green ones with large ribs and purple spots at the end of the elytra.
I went down to the basement today to clean up. I turned the board over, and there was a large blue carabus exiaratus with ribs-a dream in the hand!

02.01.2012 15:39, AGG

sorry not green beer.gif

02.01.2012 19:28, PVOzerski

I somehow don't have entomological dreams anymore, alas. However, once, I remember, in a dream I caught our usual grasshoppers "by voice" - the most funny thing was that I had the right species-specific calling signals. And in my distant childhood, I remember a nightmare after which I did not sleep half the night (hot and stuffy, I must say), as if the whole bed was filled with large bristly such ktyry (despite the fact that in reality I treat them quite tolerantly - although I try not to take them in my hands for quite rational reasons).

03.01.2012 9:58, Valentinus

This dream is without fiction. I didn't come up with anything and tried to convey everything as it was.
In this dream, I was in the mountains of the Caucasus in the gorge of the Makhar River, which is in the upper reaches of the Kuban.
He came out into a beautiful clearing with bright green grass and tall fir trees surrounding it.
In the middle of the clearing was a trailer on wheels. Since there are practically no horizontal surfaces in the mountains, the angle where the steps to the trailer were located was lower than the rest. I went over and saw that bright red blood was dripping from this corner. I went up the steps, opened the door, and looked in. The interior was completely empty. The floor of the trailer was covered with fresh, freshly planed and fitted boards, which gave off a delicious resin aroma. I got out and looked at the corner of the trailer again. Blood continued to drip...
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03.01.2012 11:48, sergey nyu

sorry not green beer.gif

By the way, green exaratus is not the result of New Year's libations, but a very real fact that is present in my collection, and not only in mine.

This post was edited by sergey nyu-03.01.2012 11: 49

03.01.2012 13:50, Garricos

I often have dreams with beautiful butterflies and beetles. Today for example(I'm not lying!) I had a dream - I was sitting like sorting out a collection, mattresses - and suddenly some that had been lying for six months suddenly began to come to life and fly away-small coenonyms and pigeons. True, they were worn)) But then I found a lot of new ones in my collection - bears, for example, which I was surprised at))
Basically, I dream of some unusual butterflies, even those that are like familiar ones, turn out to be somewhat exaggerated. For example, a hawk moth the size of a palm crawling out of a crack in my workshop...
And in fact, I resumed my study of insects(since I was engaged in school) after I had a colorful dream with a lot of butterflies smile.gif

This post was edited by Garricos - 03.01.2012 13: 50

03.01.2012 14:39, Kallima

I often have a similar dream: I collect beetles, first come across real species,
and then... smile.gif The further you go, the more exotic it gets! That's really quite an incredible shape and color
of trophies, in the hands of no longer fit, move, ask for freedom.... I wake up, and a terrible feeling of emptiness in my palms....
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03.01.2012 15:58, Вишняков Алексей

I don't dream about Africa, Australia, or America.
And I never dreamed of Asia.
Nor did I dream of beetles with butterflies and dragonflies. There weren't even grasshoppers with bedbugs.
I dream of mountains. Mountains of the Caucasus. Very often.

I dream of mountains again at night,
And I rush with all my heart to the place
Where the peaks tend to the sky,
Sparkling with diamonds of ice.
Here the rocks
are frozen in silent waiting for centuries,
the Cold surface of the glaciers shines with a dull glow.
Here, fast rivers converge,
conversing in their eternal way,
And the soul is disturbed by the living
, silent music of the mountains.
And again I return in my thoughts
To the very top of my mountain,
Where the wind blows violently,
Where the tour is made of stones.
Friends go on routes
(God save them from troubles!)
Here, days, hours, and minutes
are intertwined in many thousands of years.
Here anything can happen,
Here misfortune goes around with joy,
And the household often repeats:
"Why are you going there?"
But there is no answer,
What attracts us to these mountains-
Romance, thirst for victory,
Or maybe something else?
But then, why explain? "
Without mountains, this world will be empty.....
Let's leave the sadness and doubts....
I will come back to you, mountains, again!
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03.01.2012 23:41, Sanangel

Well, guys, they've stirred up the soul. In my youth-a constant dream-at the end of the main street in Khmelnitsky between the houses - a huge spider web with a spider. It seems to be necessary to be afraid, And he looks at me with two (out of eight ) eyes very affectionately, but does not miss anyone but me. And we look at each other with a concept. Very, VERY, frequent dreams - just walked away in the other direction-beautiful, UNPRECEDENTED beetles on the bushes. It seems to collect, like no-sorry, but in the morning the feeling-so beautiful - can not be conveyed. And on New Year's Day, I dreamed of a SWARM of butterflies. Belyanki. But there are no such things, only in fantasy. There are up to a thousand pieces on one flower. Greed overcame me. Next to the package is lying, I put them there. Everyone. And they stretched out their hands (made of butterflies) from the package, touched my hand - let go, they say. Tears from the eyes, (on the fic, they generally touched.)

03.01.2012 23:55, Sanangel

AND, IN GENERAL, BAD DREAMS are BAD, as my late father used to say, very intelligent and pleasant in communication.

04.01.2012 7:15, Сергуха

Alexey Vishnyakov - absolutely serious: today I had a dream about the Caucasus, including insects (nothing special, except for a huge, 70 millimeters long, black scolia with an ivory head) - no other than the magic power of poetry...

04.01.2012 9:55, Valentinus

My friend's dream:
We walk with him through the woods. I step away from the path, dive under a bush, and pull out a huge Caucasian ground beetle, the size of a large turtle, by its shell. The beetle moves its huge paws and whiskers, and I froze with a happy expression on my face. tongue.gif

04.01.2012 17:56, RippeR

Entomological dreams were different
Here somehow I found myself in a forest with an interesting relief, like I was at home,but it felt like the Carpathians. I go for a walk, and here I find so many interesting beetles! I remember 2-3 cm palm-type elephants. I was really glad that I found such a thing in those parts. A pleasant dream.

And once there was that I open my boxes, and there are so many interesting things sent to me, non-existent beetles. large, small, different colors and shapes and I'm so pleased to look at them.
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09.01.2012 15:41, Wave Storm

I remembered again. Once I dreamed that I entered a small (2.5 meters wide) narrow canyon overgrown with greenery. I knew that in reality this place is a small irrigation canal, but in the dream it was a lot of greenery and very interesting butterflies flew there.

And today I dreamed that I went to a certain area that I dream of visiting. I didn't find any insects there. But on the way back, I passed by a cafe. There were flowers growing near the cafe, and the mother-of-pearl Pandora was flying on the flowers, but on her left front wing in the right part, the pattern was yellow, and the right wings were completely yellow. There were also draughtsmen flying there, I think two types, one smaller, the other larger.

15.01.2012 11:22, niyaz

Today I had an unpleasant dream of an entomologist. It's as if it's February outside, and already everything is turning green and the sun is shining. I am on the street and see how butterflies fly around (chervontsy, uglokrylnitsy, etc.). I run home after the net, can't find it for a long time, then I find it disassembled. Next, I look for entomological pins, remember that they ran out, but I didn't have time to order new ones, I take sewing pins and a box to them. I go outside and realize that I left the net at home. I go back to the meeting, meet people who start unnecessary conversations with me, climb some narrow spiral staircase, it's crowded around, people are sleeping under my feet. I see a black-and-white butterfly sitting next to me, but there is no net at hand, then I barely make my way to the apartment for a net. At this time, I wake up...
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15.01.2012 14:09, Wild Yuri

If you dreamed of an insect...

15.01.2012 23:55, Black Coleopter

If you dreamed of an insect...

This is complete nonsense. As far as I know, beetles in a dream are a joy.
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16.01.2012 0:04, Black Coleopter

And I had such a dream during the New Year holidays.
Alexey Vishnyakov and I are going to the south. As if to the Caucasus. But we were going through Sergeyev Posad. In Sergeyev Posad, we got off the train to go to the store, when we left the store, our train left with all our things. Such is the unpleasant story.

16.01.2012 12:50, Wild Yuri

If you dreamed of an insect...

Esoteric dream book:
For example, from a horror movie, these are your fears of diseases and other dangers. If a huge insect attacks-know that your emotions of fear you have attracted trouble to yourself, and if you do not move the fear, it will happen.
Sigmund Freud:
A snake or insect bite should be considered as a symbol of sexual intercourse. If a man is bitten by a snake or insect, then he has a craving for homosexual contacts. If a woman is bitten by a snake or insect, then you may have had or are about to have unwanted sexual contact.
Gustav Hindman Miller:
A dream in which you are stung by an insect predicts evil and misfortune. If a girl dreams that she was stung, it means that in reality she will be tormented by sadness and remorse because of male arrogance.

From the site http://www.ymym.ru/sonnik/?son=%CD%E0%F1%E5%EA%EE%EC%EE%E5

16.01.2012 15:58, Romyald

And I had such a dream during the New Year holidays.
Alexey Vishnyakov and I are going to the south. As if to the Caucasus. But we were going through Sergeyev Posad. In Sergeyev Posad, we got off the train to go to the store, when we left the store, our train left with all our things. Such is the unpleasant story.

According to Freud, a dream is the fulfillment of a dreamer's wish. In your case, the first half of the dream is quite understandable: You are very longing for a long winter for new sensations ( there are many insects in the Caucasus), you do not want to go alone (maybe you are afraid), so the dreamer remembered a friend Alexey-a new feeling( maybe you called him on the phone the day before, or saw his message in Molbiol), the fact that you in Sergeyev Posad, they got off the train, which may be a dreamer's trick, which hides a certain fear of an unknown and possibly quite dangerous trip to the Caucasus.
From myself, I want to add that if you had such a dream, then try to implement it, and the fear that the train will leave with your things will disappear – after all, you will have a reliable friend Alexey Veshnyakov with you.
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17.01.2012 13:06, Valentinus

According to Freud, a dream is the fulfillment of a dreamer's wish....
From myself, I want to add that if you had such a dream, then try to implement it, and the fear that the train will leave with your things will disappear – after all, you will have a reliable friend Alexey Veshnyakov with you.

Well, how do you explain such a dream:
In the distant years, I entered graduate school and I had a dream that I was washing dishes in the greenhouse and passing them to Alexey Zagulyaev. I didn't know him at the time. I remembered the dream and told it to my friends. A year later, I found myself on the same trip with Alexey Konstantinovich. We lived on the second floor of the school building, and washed in the greenhouse with lemons. So I wash the dishes and pass a clean plate to Zagulyaev... I began to shake all over, and I remembered the dream and remembered this very moment. Wonders...

17.01.2012 14:49, Entomon

I sometimes dream of large (within 15 cm) nymphalid and hawk moth pupae, once I dreamed of a death's head, and most of all I remember a dacha where the plants were covered with huge caterpillars, but each of my dreams ends at the pupal mad.gifstage

17.01.2012 15:03, Romyald

Well, how do you explain such a dream:
In the distant years, I entered graduate school and I had a dream that I was washing dishes in the greenhouse and passing them to Alexey Zagulyaev. I didn't know him at the time. I remembered the dream and told it to my friends. A year later, I found myself on the same trip with Alexey Konstantinovich. We lived on the second floor of the school building, and washed in the greenhouse with lemons. So I wash the dishes and pass a clean plate to Zagulyaev... I began to shake all over, and I remembered the dream and remembered this very moment. Wonders...

This is elementary Watson! You have only confirmed the Great Freud – your dream was realized. The fact that you did not know each other personally is not so important. You might have known him by ear. Obviously, this person was attractive to you and you were looking for an opportunity to meet him. What happened absolutely by accident on a joint trip. And washing dishes in the greenhouse only confirms your desire, in the future, to work together with this person ( washing dishes-perhaps symbolizes the home). Your subconscious mind, through the dreamer, gives you hints on getting closer to this person, whether this person will be your friend and partner time will tell.
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17.01.2012 15:14, Romyald

In each dream of the Lord, in addition to the visual component, you need to pay attention to your feelings and feelings that arise at the moment of awakening. The dreamer skillfully masks the true face, and in order to understand what caused this or that dream, you should remember everything that happened in a stereoscopic image.

22.01.2012 15:42, Dergg

And I had such a funny dream in my time. It was around the end of April last year. The day before, I had attended one of the first meetings of an entomology workshop, where I was told about my trip to Papua New Guinea. And after that, I dream that I am in the Altai on the shore of Lake Teletskoye. At that time, I already knew that I would definitely go to this place in the summer, and I saw photos from there (which obviously helped me imagine the surrounding environment).
What I was doing was trying to catch a wandering monarch circling around me (!). I couldn't reproduce a clear visual image of what I saw when I woke up, just a large orange butterfly - but I was sure that it was a wandering monarch (which I had previously seen only in photographs, but not in nature). absolutely convinced. So, in the dream, I appeared in the abstract image of a "wandering monarch", and did not recognize the butterfly I saw (especially since it did not land once during the whole dream). Interestingly, I myself am mainly interested in beetles, but here I dreamed of a butterfly. The reason for this, obviously, was that the seminar was taught and shown almost exclusively about lepidoptera. Moreover, there was no wandering monarch among them (in general, it is unlikely that he is found in Papua New Guinea), and I do not feel any idiosyncrasy in relation to this particular species. I don't even know why my mind chose him. But the general entomological focus of my dream, apparently, was still caused by the seminar.
I tried to catch this monarch without a net, and the result, of course, was disappointing, I woke up without a monarch in my hands. While I was sleeping, I felt a certain amount of discontent about this, which is what you feel at any pointless and deprived of the chance of success of the lesson, but on the whole, this dream did not look like a nightmare. It is also interesting that when I woke up, I remembered this dream very well (and I remember it just as well now), although usually I don't remember my dreams very much when I wake up, or at least I forget them after a while.

P. S. Later, in the summer in Altai, I never met the monarch, although in this case I always had a net wink.gifwith me

22.01.2012 20:09, Wild Yuri

P. S. Later in the summer in the Altai I never met the monarch, although in this case I always had a net with me wink.gif

A monarch in Altai is possible. smile.gif The company "World of Butterflies". They once had it in the price list for salyutov. They supply live butterflies to many Russian cities, including Barnaul. Monarch is a good flyer. It will rush south, and now it is already under Kosh-Agach... Get ready! smile.gif

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 23.01.2012 19: 57

24.01.2012 21:19, Mantispid

And if I dream of something interesting, I always write it down. Already quite a large collection of dreams has accumulated, about 100 umnik.gif

Here, for example, is a funny dream in the theme:
Note - all names of actors have been changed!

To the Caucasus!
I, Oleg and his son Andriukha are going to the Caucasus!!! We camped on a hill somewhere. Oleg took out a video camera, went to the edge of the hill and started shooting. I also took out my camera and went over to him. An amazing picture opened up in front of me: we were standing on a hill overlooking a dense coniferous forest, and in the distance we could see a strange-shaped mountain, one slope was almost vertical, and the other was gentle and very rocky; this is the slope of the mountain that we began to shoot. There was a man climbing the slope, and it was only a dot at this distance, but I could see the magnified image on the camera screen, and I could make out that it was a man in a tracksuit with ski poles who was climbing to the top.
"Oh, those damned mountain climbers," Oleg said thoughtfully, and then added: "Okay, let's go there.
I don't remember how we got to this mountain, but a second later I was standing in front of it.
"She doesn't look very tall," I said.
Indeed, it was only about two kilometers high, all very rocky, with protrusions and cracks. Right in the middle of the slope and almost to the top was a fairly wide unpaved road, along which many people were climbing. The road ended near a building similar to the Carandiru prison (I read about it before going to bed).
"Come on, let's go to the mountain!" Oleg commanded.
The climb seemed very difficult, I was sweating profusely and terribly tired, but suddenly the road turned sharply to the left!
"What's that?" Serpentine? - I asked.
- Of course serpentine-answered me Andrew.
We were now following a straight road through a dense forest. And then I saw the first beetles!!! It was a huge, about 5 cm, Eurynebria complanata! I grabbed it and forced it into the stain. Then I caught another one, and then another, and another ...
The road turned sharply again, and now we were walking along a large clearing. Almost every 10 meters there was a person standing near the road. "What a hell of a lot of tourists," I thought. Meanwhile, we had reached the intersection.
"Where do we go?" - I asked.
"We're supposed to go left," Oleg said.
We looked to the left and saw a huge armored personnel carrier driving down the road, breaking tree branches and destroying everything in its path!!!
"No, it's a military unit," said Andriukha.
"Then we'll take the right."
We turned right and went back into the woods. I took a net and decided to use it to cut through the legumes growing on the side of the road. I noticed that part of the rim of my net was cracked and it was about to fall in half. I mowed very carefully, then walked away and looked into the net. There were tychiuses, and two types of them – five-point and some other golden-brown. I started picking up tithiuses and putting them in ... a camera case!!! "What am I doing?" I thought, and started pulling out the tithiuses. At the same time, for some reason, I also noticed a flower bed, over which scolias were circling. The Tithiuses stubbornly refused to get into the case and kept crawling out of it. Suddenly out of the case (!) nebriyas fell and began to run away! And a huge flat beetle fell from there. I picked it up and held it up with two fingers, showing it to Oleg.
- Oleg, this is something from kossonus. It's just such a weevil!
"Weevil?" Oleg was surprised.
"Yes, they live in wood.
"Look, the beetles are running away!!! Andriukha suddenly shouted.
And indeed, from my shoulder bag, from the open stain and from the camera case, dozens of nebrias, carabuses, pretties, dragonflies and scolias flew out from everywhere...
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24.01.2012 22:01, AGG

and today I chased procerus around the yard.
I go into the shed and notice that in the window between the frames someone kapashitsya. he came closer...EEEEEEEEE! healthy female procerus! I let's tear off the beads from the inside with my fingers and pull out the glass. I pulled out one of the peepholes - it's in the second section. I tear it off faster, she's in the third...and there's a gap! in short, procerus got out into the wild and let's run around the yard. I'll follow him. at first, he just ran, then began to move in leaps and grow in size. after a couple of jumps, he was the size of a guinea pig, and when he finally disappeared under the fence, he was the size of a hare.
this is what dreams of summer at -25 bring lol.gif
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24.01.2012 23:07, Mantispid

Yes, I wish it was summer, warm weather, and beetles... we have -20 all week, we are not used here, we are freezing )))

29.01.2012 12:50, Entomon

Today I dreamed of grass teeming with caterpillars in late autumn, especially remembered Caligo memnon of different ages.

08.02.2012 15:08, Igor1962

in 1978, in the spring, I have a dream that I caught Necrofhorus germanicus / And exactly in the summer I was in the Kiev region of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky district and on the edge of the swamp under a dead hedgehog I take the animal. Later I dreamed that I was catching a big oak barbel-it still didn't come true. Dreams about ground beetles of the Archplectas did not come true either. I caught them a little bit, but that was before snov

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