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Breeding forage insects at home

Community and ForumInsects breedingBreeding forage insects at home

KPOT, 28.03.2007 19:00

There is a need to breed soft-winged insects at home in order to feed other insects.
Breeding should be possible in separate containers taken because there is no desire to catch the whole zoo in the hut.

It is recommended to drip in the direction of bedbugs, crickets and fruit flies.


06.03.2008 11:52, Antaros

It is better to breed house crickets(Acheta Domestica) or banana crickets (Gyllus assimilis), easy to breed and maintain, unpretentious in food; -)

06.03.2008 11:58, Alexandr Rusinov

What are the problems with drosophila breeding? The methods of its breeding have long been worked out to the subtleties in scientific laboratories, and there these flies do not fly around the hut, in the laboratory, they live quietly and peacefully in flasks.

06.03.2008 20:26, Бабочник

House crickets are painfully loud to churyukayut, but Indian banana-namana, the most that...

22.03.2008 13:17, Antaros

I like :- ) you lie at night as if in a field...)

22.03.2008 23:10, Мих

flies in the hut, sorry, do not fly, live quietly and peacefully in flasks.

They live so peacefully with me.. As long as I don't give them to the mantises, they get out and fly.. tycho and mirnuo eat apples and frighten their grandmother... she says they bite...э

24.03.2008 13:27, Трофим

What are the problems with drosophila breeding? The methods of its breeding have long been worked out to the subtleties in scientific laboratories, and there these flies do not fly around the hut, in the laboratory, they live quietly and peacefully in flasks.

Put rotten fruit in the kitchen, and better on the balcony and collect packs, though not all year round.

08.05.2008 19:30, stierlyz

Could someone sell exactly house crickets?

21.05.2008 23:09, Bugdesign

There are always various food insects on sale. We send it to any city. Site address in the Profile.

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