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Help save the wasp!

Community and ForumInsects breedingHelp save the wasp!

Спасти-Осу, 03.10.2011 17:45

Unexpectedly, a wasp was found on the balcony-climbing on a grape. She doesn't know - it's not her season anymore!
Placed in a glass jar with a net on top. Inside - the same grape and something there cucumber.
She drank water from the bottom, climbed a little on the sides of the vessel and cleaned her belly; she didn't even try to fly...

What should I do-feed them somehow, send them somewhere to hibernate, or what? It is hardly permissible to go outside...

This post was edited by Save-Osu - 03.10.2011 17: 47


Pages: 1 2

03.10.2011 18:13, niyaz

If the temperature outside the window is above zero , let them go outside. She will find her own home.
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03.10.2011 18:19, Спасти-Осу

Thank you, comrade, for your answer!
But here's a new question: today is +7 Celsius, and the time of day is 19 hours, it's dark...
Really now and release? And if not, how do I save it until morning?
Well, and also: from the balcony to send or, um, in the grass to offer?
Thank you again!

03.10.2011 19:46, niyaz

It is better to let out during the day, wasps fly during the day. If released at night, it is better to put it on the grass, bush, tree, where it will wait out the night.
During the night in the bank, the wasp can suffocate and die, and its age is unknown.
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03.10.2011 20:26, Спасти-Осу

No, no, what are you - well, is it possible to leave something in a closed container?! On top of the jar, the grid is attached, and the wasp is already sleeping, "attached" to it, here. In terms of age, there is nothing to write... And for another answer, thank you!

Well, one last thing: but still, will it fly at all, eh? Or not, otherwise - how long do they (and indeed insects in general) still roam the street?


03.10.2011 21:30, niyaz

Well, one last thing: but still, will it fly at all, eh?

If she was already prepared to die, then no, she wouldn't fly. If he still wants to live, he will fly.

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04.10.2011 11:46, Спасти-Осу

And again, thank you for your answers!

So the night was well spent, and by midday the wasp was flying briskly around the jar.
As it was suggested on the street to fly away, I first walked back and forth, then climbed on the edge and, having decided, quickly set off in the direction of the forest. That's it!
Weather +8 Celsius, cloudy.

Thank you to those who sympathized and worried, and to comrade niyaz in particular! Bye!

This post was edited by Save-Osu - 04.10.2011 11: 48
Likes: 2

04.10.2011 17:12, mikee

Guys, have you tried saving mosquitoes?
Likes: 5

05.10.2011 0:40, niyaz

Comparing a mosquito to a wasp is like comparing a dog to a rat, for example.
Of course, this topic seemed strange to many, those who are used to taking the life of hundreds of different insects.
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07.10.2011 20:42, DanMar

And I really liked it, if all people were like that, then soon insects would be "personalities", they would be called by their first names and there would be special transport for insects, AKA miniature cars, trains and airplanes. Hotels for them would be particularly developed. And all this would be done by such people lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif. Bestseller Theme jump.gif smile.gif

13.03.2012 2:08, Pall

nooo guys, it's not funny at all.. I myself, if I go and see a fly , a wasp, or an ant in a puddle, or something else, I must definitely save them...

CHIPIDALE rushes to the rescue =))

I saved 2 fish that way.

the last one was not serious =(

13.03.2012 7:44, rhopalocera.com

Buddhists, aha smile.gif

13.03.2012 17:33, Maksim M.

I also sometimes save fish-I continue the food chain,otherwise they die and continue other people's food chains!

14.03.2012 11:09, Sanangel

Trolls on the sly?

14.03.2012 11:18, Sanangel

Also a troll. Pulling a fly out of the spider's net-we save it, and we sentence the poor spider to starvation.

14.03.2012 11:29, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, then I'll troll: yesterday I probably threw out a dozen of these dead wasps from my balcony, last year's ones. It was a pity that I didn't save it at the time weep.gif

15.03.2012 1:23, Pall


I found a grub yesterday, where should I throw it?)))
I mean.. What should I make a substrate out of? I found it under a rock in the ground, I can't take a picture, and I can't say what exactly it is) but it has 3 tails)))))))))
What should I make a substrate out of? what is it made of in most cases?

15.03.2012 17:52, Hierophis

Also a troll. Pulling a fly out of the spider's net-we save it, and we sentence the poor spider to starvation.

Wow, that's how all sorts of gbiteli argue! In fact, a spider, an infection, can not eat for a year - a well-known fact, so from the fact that a fly was taken away from it - it will not starve to death. But the fly, if it is not released, will still die.
This is terrible.


15.03.2012 18:28, Pall

well, if you take away flies all the time, then it will die!
yes, and it depends on the type of spider. and from where he lives. and if he has nowhere else to take moisture?! smile.gif

This post was edited by Pall - 03/15/2012 18: 39

15.03.2012 18:54, Hierophis

My latrodectus lived for 7 months without food and water, and nothing happened to it! Moreover, no spraying, complete dryness.

Well, okay, you can set the spiders a norm of one fly for three months, and then old and bald )))

In general, of course, it's cool, in cartoons there should be an image of the enemy, here is Fekla - such an image, and everything is presented in such a way that she just fooled Maya in order to torment her, they show Fekla not at all hungry, but quite cheerful and malicious smile.gif
That is, they say, she catches everyone not because she wants to eat, but because she is so bad smile.gif

15.03.2012 20:08, Pall

well, this is barbaric. 7 months without food or drink.. was it so difficult for you to feed it or spray the container? it's strange that he survived)
well, this is a cartoon! and how could fekla eat the main character of the series(especially since this is a children's animated series)?)
in Luntik, the Spider Shnyuk does not eat anything at all, and he is kind))))

15.03.2012 20:22, Hierophis

Well, it's hardly barbarism, barbarism is destruction or bullying for the sake of bullying.
And this can be called an experiment.
Especially since no one was particularly injured. And the spider did not look by the way suffering and looking for food or drink, did not rush around the container from hunger, I would not have endured taokgo, this is for sure smile.gifhe just sat and waited, they have such a strategy-to wait until the food crawls to them by itself.
In general, it would be interesting not to feed the year, but there are already possible negative options.

I didn't watch Luntik, I watched bee Maya, and then many many years ago, but I remember seeing scraps of all sorts of current cartoons like Futurama, Pokemon, the Simpsons - as for me - garbage smile.gifAs soon as children watch this now))))
By the way, isn't it a "perversion of the worldview" to some extent - to make a spider "a kind hero who doesn't eat anyone", in Maya, at least chesno made a spider a horseshoe, and now - everything is topsy-turvy ))))

15.03.2012 20:30, Hierophis

By the way, in the fervent struggle for the right of the os to be saved, I completely forgot about the larva,
Pall, ayy, the larva was provided with all the conditions of existence, and all the rights there were respected and all that? If it was found in the ground under a stone, then it is logical that it should be kept in the ground, under a stone, but what it will eat is another matter-maybe this larva is kind - it doesn't eat anything and no one at all))))

15.03.2012 20:47, Pall

Well, the Simpsons, Futurama and South Park I think are made more for older children, especially South Park)))
And Pokemon.. I wouldn't say that this is a new cartoon, I watched it 8-10 years ago, I also played round chips with Pokemon )))
"perversion of the worldview" is possible, but why should young children know that spiders are evil, dissolve the insides of their victims and drink? I think this information is superfluous for them at this age... and then they will start to be afraid of spiders and crush them) because in childhood the psyche only develops)
and in Luntik they show what can be done and what can not be done)
although in this cartoon the biggest "perversion of the worldview" is that luntik himself fell from the moon and can breathe underwater)

15.03.2012 20:51, Pall

Well, I don't think that there were conditions for existence, because there was nothing edible (at least it seemed so to me), and there was a larva in diapause yet.. I woke her up) . I put it in sawdust+flour+oatmeal+ banana + porridge from vegetables, fruits and eggshells(for snails I did it a long time ago, I froze it).

I think I will succeed)))

15.03.2012 21:25, Hierophis

For Senya, everything after 2000 is already the current one smile.gif
Children are not shown all sorts of entrails and their dissolution, but to know that in Zhyzni there are also predators that are ready to eat even the most positive and main character-it is very useful to show!
Many people are afraid of spiders( or maybe all of them, but many hide them? smile.gif ), so I'm afraid. Because this is probably a genetic fear that developed in ancient times.

Yeah, it's cool, well, I fell from the moon - it's still garbage, and cartoon characters didn't fall from this, but breathing under water is already cool, although there are seas on the moon, but there is no water in them!))))))

No normal larva in its right mind will arrange a diapause for itself under a stonesmile.gif, so it has already completely lived there.
But now, along the way, the personal account lives in a salad-vinigrette!!!! There would still be ketchup and mayanez - and you could be calm for itwink.gif)))))))

15.03.2012 21:32, Pall

yes, as lived, if the snow is not all melted) the ground is not warmed up.. well, maybe she was underground, and with a slight warming got out under a rock, and there from the cold fell asleep^^

Nah.. well, I don't have everything mixed up) I have it as if in layers... well, where she likes it better, let her sit there)

15.03.2012 21:38, Hierophis

What if she doesn't like it anywhere? No, well, you can't, the larva needs to be determined, it can be predatory by the way, and it was put on a vegetarian diet)))

15.03.2012 21:44, Pall

No, I don't think so.. I put her in gammarus and daphnia, she didn't even want to bury herself.....
though..for a change, you can pour a little daphnia with dried gammarus there, it will not be superfluous, there is still chitin of these gammaruses, calcium)

This post was edited by Pall - 03/15/2012 21: 45

15.03.2012 21:47, Hierophis

This is not an indicator!
If a person is put in chicken legs fried there, or in sausage, he, I think, will not be particularly enthusiastic either, and will not want to live there)))

15.03.2012 22:00, Pall

well, a person does not seem to crawl underground to devour, and then pupate) smile.gif

15.03.2012 22:49, Sanangel

A wasp from a puddle, a fly from a spider - all these are small things, while they die by the ton from entomophthora. It is necessary to come up with a vaccine for this empusa and each maggot - a sting. (as a smallpox shot). And a million pupaars a day. Then the hospital can figure out 5-6 billion fly agarics. And with the intensive care unit. And the most interesting thing is that a GOOD person, having invented and built all this for the fly's benefit, will also become a BAD person for them. because it won't benefit everyone anyway.

15.03.2012 23:17, Hierophis

We need to come up with a vaccine for this empusa

And empusa is what it is, empusa is a praying mantis, not an infection ))))

16.03.2012 0:42, Sanangel

In the time of Karik and Vali (and in mine too), flies died from empusa, and now-from entomophthora. It's the same thing. And the praying mantis is not the same thing, but something else.

16.03.2012 0:59, Sanangel

On the contrary, I like to throw flies to spiders. They are like that... I'm afraid of them. I don't take them in my hands, even small ones.

Aranea_2010.03.27._.________.jpg — (158.48 k)

Chaetopelma_aegyptiaca_2._2011.05.22_Rehasim.jpg — (254.4к)

Argiope_trifasciata_2010_04_05___________.jpg — (183.63к)

16.03.2012 10:58, Victor Titov

And empusa is what it is, empusa is a praying mantis, not an infection ))))


16.03.2012 17:45, Pall

daaa) cool spiders)) I have a black widow with a cocoon near my house)
that's what I'm afraid of))))

Although, I was sitting... right now, probably only the children wintered it, the grown-up individuals seem to be dying..

This post was edited by Pall - 16.03.2012 17: 46

16.03.2012 18:03, Hierophis

Adults die, but that's if it's cold! And if you bring it to the heat-then they live for a very long time. By the way I raised my latrodectus the size of a spider from a cocoon smile.gif

And Sanangel has a local bird-eater and argyope in his photos. At us ksttai too are found and ptitseedy, already two types, atypuses, and two types (or three) argiop.

16.03.2012 18:29, Pall

Length: up to 2 cm
Habitat: steppes and deserts of Central Asia, much less often these spiders are found in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.
The venom is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. Without medical help, the bitten person dies in a few days.

16.03.2012 19:03, Hierophis

Come on, I even took it in my hand - so that the karakurt bit - you need to be sooooo careful, and the spiders in the house will die right away, they will not survive. And in general, many of you there probably have them crawling into their homes, these many simply do not know about it wink.gif

And about the fact that a person directly dies without options-I think this is to put it mildly-a strong exaggeration. I generally dreamed of finding karakurt here, but then it turned out that neither here - everywhere, we have a sea of them )))) So even in the house to carry not nada smile.gif

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