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Who are these animals in the parquet?

Community and ForumHow to get rid of insectsWho are these animals in the parquet?

Tumba, 21.10.2015 13:10

Dear biologists, help us understand who it is in the parquet.
Small worms crawl out of cracks in the parquet floor, they're fast and creepy, and there are those black beetles that accumulate dead on the windowsill...
all this is only in a room with prehistoric parquet with thick cracks in the finger.

How to withdraw them!?!? weep.gif frown.gif

I found a similar photo on the Internet, here are the beetles, and a worm such as the photo is the lowest on the left(((

This post was edited by Tumba - 21.10.2015 13: 11

picture: 1037199896.jpg
1037199896.jpg — (28.22к)


21.10.2015 13:23, Alexandr Zhakov

These are skin eaters, in my opinion, they do not eat parquet, but organic wool, if there are pets, hair, particles of fallen skin that accumulate in the cracks of the parquet.
Pozklyuyte, zalakeruyte, and kozheedy will remain only under the baseboards. smile.gif

This post was edited by Djon-21.10.2015 13: 24

21.10.2015 13:23, Tumba

Here, I found another similar photo....

How to kill this thing and those beetles on the windowsill?
Aah (((((((horror(( teapot.gif

IMG_0123.JPG — (3.79мб)

21.10.2015 13:26, Tumba

These are skin eaters, in my opinion, they do not eat parquet, but organic wool, if there are pets, hair, particles of fallen skin that accumulate in the cracks of the parquet.
Pozklyuyte, zalakeruyte, and kozheedy will remain only under the baseboards. smile.gif

They are not ready for repairs now, they just moved(((
and they will just always live, even after repairs? And there is no way to get rid of them?!

21.10.2015 13:28, Tumba

And they are the same, that is, a bug is an adult, and a worm is its larva!?

21.10.2015 13:42, Alexandr Zhakov

Yes, the worm is a larva, the beetle is an adult.
You can temporarily get rid of it, they will constantly appear if there is nothing to eat, and there is no place to live. Then you can't stay long, but now you have both.
I fight only with leatherheads in boxes. there's a different tactic. smile.gif

21.10.2015 14:10, Tumba

Yes, the worm is a larva, the beetle is an adult.
You can temporarily get rid of it, they will constantly appear if there is nothing to eat, and there is no place to live. Then you can't stay long, but now you have both.
I fight only with leatherheads in boxes. there's a different tactic. smile.gif

I found information on the Internet that they bite people, but in our bedroom, where there is a normal repair, they are not. They're only in the room with the stupid parquet floor, where there's a lot of stuff now after the move.

And how can you still poison them now?

21.10.2015 14:29, Victor Titov

they bite people

In the network and not such crap can be found. Nonsense! Adult beetles of many species of leatherworms do not feed at all, they live off the fat reserves accumulated at the larval stage. However, if you do not wash or wash bed linen for months, then with mass reproduction in the apartment, why don't the skin-eating larvae feed on the exfoliating epithelium directly on the person? lol.gif In the tropics, in case of non-compliance with basic sanitary standards, some dung beetles crawl directly into the rectum of aborigines during sleep, without waiting for the "nutrient substrate" to come out...

And how can you still poison them now?

You have already been correctly told: if the parquet is old, then under it and in the crevices of the leather eaters there is always something to eat (there is plenty of all kinds of organic matter in the dust). Cardinally - only to cycle and varnish, prophylactically-to maintain cleanliness, clean more often, take care of the parquet. And you will first of all poison yourself with any recommended "chemistry". Do you need it?

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 21.10.2015 14: 31
Likes: 1

21.10.2015 14:32, Tumba

In the network and not such crap can be found. Nonsense! Adult beetles of many species of leatherworms do not feed at all, they live off the fat reserves accumulated at the larval stage. However, if you do not wash or wash bed linen for months, then with mass reproduction in the apartment, why don't the skin-eating larvae feed on the exfoliating epithelium directly on the person? lol.gif   

You have already been correctly told: if the parquet is old, then under it and in the crevices of the leather eaters there is always something to eat (there is plenty of all kinds of organic matter in the dust). Cardinally - only to cycle and varnish, prophylactically-to maintain cleanliness, clean more often, take care of the parquet. And you will first of all poison yourself with any recommended "chemistry". Do you need it?

Thanks for the humorous momentwink.gif, but still, the mood is not very (((
Are these really kozheeds? At least thank you for the fact that this is the same thing, and not different... Fuck you......

This post was edited by Tumba - 21.10.2015 14: 33

21.10.2015 14:39, Victor Titov

Are they really leatherheads?

More precisely, it does not happen, no doubt.

21.10.2015 16:26, Ninmf

We have renovated the apartment. There is only a chair and a table in the room. When I sit at my computer, I hear something rustling. I couldn't understand what it was. Then I moved the chair and saw a small crumb from the chair. What can it be? and how to withdraw it? Soon we will bring a wooden bed and I am afraid that they would not eat it.

22.10.2015 16:11, Mantispid

We have renovated the apartment. There is only a chair and a table in the room. When I sit at my computer, I hear something rustling. I couldn't understand what it was. Then I moved the chair and saw a small crumb from the chair. What can it be? and how to withdraw it? Soon we will bring a wooden bed and I am afraid that they would not eat it.

as an option-furniture sharpeners

10.01.2017 15:33, konechnovasya

Yes, the worm is a larva, the beetle is an adult.
You can temporarily get rid of it, they will constantly appear if there is nothing to eat, and there is no place to live. Then you can't stay long, but now you have both.
I fight only with leatherheads in boxes. there's a different tactic. smile.gif

are there any means of controlling insects to permanently remove them?

11.01.2017 6:44, alex017

Dismantle the parquet, put linoleum (when buying, choose the smelliest one-shchyutka), remove all furniture made of natural wood. Be afraid of dung beetles from the message Dmitrich!
Why are people so afraid of insects? But they are NOT afraid of phenols from plastic and modern furniture, microglass fibers from insulation materials, and exposure to various electromagnetic radiation. You're fighting the wrong thing and you're afraid of the wrong thing!!

21.01.2017 20:08, vikasvetlova

They are very difficult to remove, they are small, inconspicuous, able to get into scanty slits. It is better to call in sanitary and epidemiological service, let them treat the room with a solution.

23.01.2017 10:38, GalinaGanske

We live in this apartment for two years, the first time I found two such larvae in a stack of clothes on the bottom shelf of the closet, the clothes were clean HB, there were two of them, I just threw them out and forgot about them. It was January. After that, somewhere from the end of July, I began to find them 1-2 pieces between the bed and the baseboard. Well, I thought they were insects that eat dust. Vacuumed and didn't panic. But once in the winter I opened my closet and saw one of these beasts right on top of a stack of clothes! All the clothes in the closet are clean! I was so scared, I went through everything and in the wardrobe with a fur coat and a sheepskin coat there were 2-3 pieces and in another closet one under a stack of clothes! After that, I had to throw out my husband's woolen ones from the chest of drawers, since there were also two and two empty skins! After that, I found them in the sofa, in the laundry compartment, vacuumed everything! Who is it? Why does it get into my clothes and the nursery!!!??? I don't mind them, but only on the floor! But why go into the closet frown.gif(((((They can chew through the fabric of the down jacket? By the way, I examined the fur coat, whole! I've never seen a single bug before, anywhere!!! But the other day I found one accidentally sitting on the carpet, small and brown! I crushed it with my sneaker! How do I deal with this wickedness? And are all these three larvae of the same species?

23.01.2017 10:40, GalinaGanske

Here is the actual photo

picture: IMG_4064.JPG
IMG_4064.JPG — (193.39к)

picture: IMG_4244.JPG
IMG_4244.JPG — (108.2к)

picture: IMG_4393.JPG
IMG_4393.JPG — (60.24к)

23.01.2017 12:45, Evgenich

Type in the search engine: "Kozheedy in the apartment how to get rid of"
There are answers to your question.

This post was edited by Evgenich - 23.01.2017 12: 47

23.01.2017 13:33, GalinaGanske

I'm more concerned about whether they eat clothes, it says on the Internet, wash everything! It is unrealistic to wash all this, especially at high temperatures, to take all the outerwear to the dry cleaner, as it is too expensive frown.gif

23.01.2017 15:06, Necrocephalus

Only clothing made of leather, fur, or wool can be damaged. HB is not eaten. Synthetics are even more important. The damage compared to the moth is negligible. They don't make holes. You should not worry about the safety of your belongings.
Likes: 1

23.01.2017 15:18, GalinaGanske

Only clothing made of leather, fur, or wool can be damaged. HB is not eaten. Synthetics are even more important. The damage compared to the moth is negligible. They don't make holes. Worry about the safety of things is not worth it.

Why do they then climb into the stack between textiles? And what should I do with fur and leather items? How do they damage it? ( wool socks, for example, or a fur coat?) how to protect the cabinet from their visit or they have already been settled there like eggs? And please tell me what the nest looks like and where to find it? The thing is, I've only seen one bug in two years. Although I haven't seen the larvae for a year now. But if there were only two of them that winter, now there are a lot of them. I clean the house often, I vacuum every other day for sure. There are no pets , the mat is one and small and then artificial

23.01.2017 18:02, Necrocephalus

They climb - maybe they just feel good there...Individual fibers of wool or fabric are eaten up. There are remedies for leatherworms of both contact and fumigation action. The nest does not exist, it is not a social insect.
1. Take everything out of the cabinet and shake it out in the fresh snow.
2. Thoroughly wipe the entire cabinet from the inside.
3. Put everything in the cabinet.
4. From time to time to sort things out, so as not to stale - they do not like it.

23.01.2017 19:38, GalinaGanske

What about the sofa? Spray it on? Just the problem is, I live in Germany, and those drugs (that is, the name) are not here. Maybe you know. There is such a tool from chrysanthemum flowers,, Peretrym

23.01.2017 21:20, ИНО

Score, because they will not eat your sofa and do not even bite.

23.01.2017 21:45, GalinaGanske

Score, because they will not eat your sofa and do not even take a bite.

Please look at the photo above, there are three photos. Is it the same kind of leatherworm? Which one? Carpet? Shubny? Museum type?

24.01.2017 0:07, ИНО

I can't determine the species, I'm not a coleopterist. And yet, it is better to do this according to a good image of the imago, and not according to a bad larva. But no kind of leatherworm will eat the sofa. Kozheeds live in almost every modern apartment (and in a private house - even more so), few people notice them in a simple one.

24.01.2017 19:02, GalinaGanske

I can't determine the species, I'm not a coleopterist. And yet, it is better to do this according to a good image of the imago, and not according to a bad larva. But no kind of leatherworm will eat the sofa. Kozheeds live in almost every modern apartment (and in a private house - even more so), few people notice them in a simple one.

I have a lot of books on an open shelf all over the wall, should I check them out? Or are the maggots not interested in books?

25.01.2017 1:37, ИНО

Unless they are maggot geeks.

25.01.2017 10:38, GalinaGanske

Unless they are maggot geeks.

mol.gif just in the Internet somewhere they write that they say everything, save the knigs

01.02.2017 18:26, GalinaGanske

Tell me please and kozheedy lay eggs where? If I saw maggots in the closet, does it mean that the bug crawled into the closet and laid eggs there? Or can the maggots make their way through closets and dressers? For example, from under the baseboard?

01.02.2017 22:01, ИНО

Both options are possible.

02.02.2017 22:11, GalinaGanske

Both options are possible.

And the female in one place lays how many eggs, for example, if the clutch is in the closet, how many larvae to expect?

02.02.2017 23:10, Victor Titov

And the female in one place lays how many eggs, for example, if the clutch is in the closet, how many larvae to expect?

As a rule, several dozen (from 20 or more).

03.02.2017 10:32, GalinaGanske

As a rule, several dozen (from 20 or more).

Can larvae bite humans?

03.02.2017 11:32, AVA

Can larvae bite humans?


03.02.2017 23:55, GalinaGanske


Thank you so much for your reply. Please tell me why the larvae will get into the wardrobe with clothes? Should I be afraid for my clothes? Can they leave little holes on it like everyone else writes?

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