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Winner-Arinner, 28.12.2015 13:10

I am very interested in how other breeders keep zophobas, because I have a stereotype that everyone keeps them like shuffle.gif
user posted imagethis,
and no one looked or observed their behavior features. What would be strange, because zofobusami easy to watch, and they do not spoil the beautiful "scenery", like some insects.
During the time I have been keeping zofobasov, I have accumulated interesting observations:
- Zoophobes are good at distinguishing between light and shadow.
- When zoophobuses have 1 male and several females, a harem is formed. This male becomes the leader, and if other males appear, he bites their legs, which makes it impossible to mate, and later the whole harem can tear the poor guy apart. Females do not mind if they replace males.
- If you have a male (you know exactly its sex) and you need to determine the sex of a new beetle, just put them together. Began to caress-new-female, nibble, pounce-male.
- The leader likes to play with his female antennae.
- It happens that if several females and males are settled at the same time, they will have a cohesive team. but if you add a male to them later, they will kill him.
Share your experience and observations, I think everyone will be interested.
PS: by the way, how should I say: zoobobusy, zofobusy, zofobasy or in another way?

This post was edited by Winner-Arinner - 12/28/2015 13: 13


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28.12.2015 16:52, AVA

PS: by the way, how should I say: zoobobusy, zofobusy, zofobasy or in another way?

ZOPHOBAS-from the Latin name of the species Zophobas morio.
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28.12.2015 18:18, ИНО

I just kept the larvae in bran, feeding them vegetables and fruits. Not fed remains (2 pieces) pupated and turned into beetles successfully, breeding was not engaged.

10.04.2016 15:04, Юрий352

And I like to breed Zophobas, it takes very little to feed the reptiles and the rest are kept as pets.
Large beetle, large larva, do not run on smooth surfaces, with a pleasant "phenolic" smell (with "displeasure").
Pupation can be delayed for almost a year and" get " beetles when needed.

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Especially interesting is the ability of young larvae to absorb organic matter. smile.gif
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This post was edited by Yuriy352-10.04.2016 15: 29

10.04.2016 15:51, Юрий352

The pupation process.
For example, with such a content of larvae (as in the picture below), pupation will not occur by 99%.
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For pupation, it is necessary to create places, shelters or "calm" zones in a common container.
Another, more manageable option is to place the larva in separate "apartments".
For guaranteed pupation of larvae, you can use "ice cassettes with a lid", in the roof you need to make two holes (2-2. 5 mm) above each cell - for air.

View of cells after 3 days of larval deposition.
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Cell type after 10 days (at an average temperature of 27-29 degrees)
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I had another option (although it takes up more space, but is more hygienic).
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This post was edited by Yuriy352-10.04.2016 15: 52
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10.04.2016 23:37, Mantispid

I had another option (although it takes up more space, but is more hygienic).

To avoid taking up a lot of space, you need to insert the cups into each other, naturally we will leave a gap for air (for example, by sticking a piece of cardboard). I have so there are "ladders" of 5-7 cups and norms)
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10.04.2016 23:45, Юрий352

To avoid taking up a lot of space, you need to insert the cups into each other, naturally we will leave a gap for air (for example, by sticking a piece of cardboard). I have so there are "ladders" of 5-7 cups and norms)

Thank you, good option!

14.04.2016 16:56, Юрий352

Some photos of Zophobas (Zophobas morio).
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View of the eye of Zophobas morio through a microscope.
picture: ____________.jpg
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23.04.2016 14:02, Kemist

There is information that the larvae of zoophobas pupate in the turf, a piece of lawn is suitable for this purpose

23.04.2016 18:58, ИНО

What's a piece of what? Yes, they really like to pupate in the hollows of rotten snags, but in the absence of them, they do it perfectly and just in a bran substrate.

23.04.2016 22:54, Юрий352

Of course, with a small relative density and the presence of nooks and crannies(even in a "general" insectarium), zophobas calmly pupates, although this happens "uncontrollably".
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14.06.2016 13:03, Winner-Arinner

The tastes are different... I, for example, on the contrary do not like their "protective" smell)

14.06.2016 13:08, ИНО

A pleasant smell in the excrement of larvae of ordinary flour krushchak is vanilla.
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25.06.2016 1:56, Atropos

The pupation process.
For example, with such a content of larvae (as in the picture below), pupation will not occur by 99%.

And what happens in the end? Just dying?

30.06.2016 11:53, Winner-Ariner

I do not plant the larvae before pupation, but give them a large snag - they "sit down" themselves
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30.06.2016 14:37, Юрий352

19.07.2016 18:15, Atropos

In general, very interesting beetles and larvae.
Does anyone use them as a model organism?

They can also be fed GMOs instead of rats, etc., for example.

19.07.2016 21:39, Юрий352

19.07.2016 22:51, ИНО

Probably meant to check the safety of GMOs for humans. Unlike rats, beetles can not be attached here in any way sideways because they are not mammals. And few people care about the safety of GMOs for beetles. Rodents in this area can not be replaced, they are bred no more difficult than zophobas and just as quickly. And if it is necessary much faster and phylogenetic proximity to humans is not important, then there is a long-proven and comprehensively studied object-drosophila. In general, there is no niche in medical and biological research for zophobas, where it would be in demand, as well as for a great many other easily cultivated animals.
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16.03.2017 23:52, Юрий352

Photo "in a hurry".
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18.03.2017 1:10, xoshAmadam

Question: how do I know if the larva is ready to pupate or not?

Or just throw all the seniors in their personal containers, feed them there, and let them decide for themselves?

Or put something like pieces of wood with holes in a common container, let them climb and pupa up whenever they want?

The meaning of the questions is that there is a desire to recruit and try to hold different chernotelok-although I do not like holometabol in culture (too much fusssmile.gif, hemimetabol is easier), but it can be interesting.

Some thread adesmii drag, someone else...
Adesmii, for example, fight wildly coolly for females, rogachs are far from them in terms of expression and noise smile.gif

This post was edited by xoshAmadam - 03/18/2017 01: 12

18.03.2017 23:25, ИНО

Zofobasam do not have to put anything at all, except bran and carrots. But rowing all the black heifers under one comb is clearly not worth it, it is unlikely that it will be as easy with adesmii.

25.03.2017 20:12, Faa87

Hello to All interlocutors!There is a great desire to organize a certain farm for breeding zofobas!Experience of practical zero only theory, and specifically information taken from the Internet!The fact is that I live in the Omsk region there are enough of them here, so to speak, they will go like this or you need a certain suit)))If so, how to distinguish them and how to determine the gender?If not,where to buy it, how and how much does it cost?Please tell me!!!Sincerely, Adis!

25.03.2017 20:59, Юрий352

The farm is good! Theory is the same thing! But what does "there are enough of them, so to speak"mean? Zophobas has no "breeds" (fortunately), take a "bunch" of any Zophobas larvae, provide them with proper nutrition, create pupation conditions and breed them for health!

This post was edited by Yuriy352-25.03.2017 21: 00

25.03.2017 22:16, Faa87

I met them very often and a lot of beetles themselves!Just many people write that they are sick in Russia some)))From other countries, so I was thinking!And wild is meant in nature in their natural environment!He worked at the factory during the day is not particularly met,and in the night shift in the summer climbs out and begins to wander)))I didn't even know what kind of bully he was at the time)Thank you for paying attention!

25.03.2017 23:23, Юрий352

Maybe we are talking about other "bugs"?
Zophobas (Zophobas morio) is sold in any more or less large city (fortunately in nature we do not have them) and it is the larvae, I have never met beetles. There seem to be no problems with breeding and feeding.

This post was edited by Yuriy352-25.03.2017 23: 24

25.03.2017 23:32, Faa87

Find out about availability in existing stores!Damn it!But I couldn't seem to confuse the photo-the same beetle that I saw!We need to figure this out!

26.03.2017 0:17, Faa87

I looked at the expanses of the web!Could be confused with the black big khrushchyak only here's how to distinguish them they seem to be the same)))Black, whiskers are not short, paws too, not shiny!The peculiarity is that they appeared in the summer in the evening at nightfall toli climbed to the heat toli did not fly to the light did not fly very fast tried to climb into any crevice turning on their backs they can not climb!There was a forest belt nearby or rather behind the fence!Well, that's something like that)))

26.03.2017 0:48, ИНО

Zophobos is not to be confused with any European black chicks. But it is quite possible to confuse with any barbel (they just like to fly to the light, and zofobas does not know how to fly at all).

This post was edited by ENO - 26.03.2017 00: 52

29.03.2017 8:09, Faa87

Hello!Well, I found and purchased 20 pieces of zofobas while I'm looking for and behavior!Large individuals are already adults!How to determine and understand when to plant them on the pupa???

29.03.2017 14:57, Юрий352

Hello!Well, I found and purchased 20 pieces of zofobas while I'm looking for and behavior!Large individuals are already adults!How to determine and understand when to plant them on the pupa???

Here is such a larva can be planted for pupation.
user posted image

I would like to see a photo of the person you purchased and how you maintain it.

29.03.2017 15:26, Faa87

Bought yesterday 28.03.2017 they are about the same size as in the photo you have!There are a little more a little less so I only observe identifying larger ones!Here is temporary housing!!!How do I add a photo?)))I'm a newbie until I figured it out tell me!

29.03.2017 15:39, Юрий352

Bought yesterday 28.03.2017 they are about the same size as in the photo you have!There are a little more a little less so I only observe identifying larger ones!Here is temporary housing!!!How do I add a photo?)))I'm a newbie until I figured it out tell me!

The photo is inserted in two "options":
1. Link to the image ( there is a button in the editor menu).
2. Attach an image by selecting a file on your computer(the selection window is below the main editor window).

I prefer to insert links.
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30.03.2017 11:49, Faa87

I can't add a photo (((Maybe because it's from my phone!Today I saw and measured all 20 zofobasikov almost all more or exactly 5 cm!Solved!Transplanted to separate cabins) using a plastic fishing box after making holes for ventilation!Now I will wait periodically to see how the process will go!!!

01.04.2017 5:58, Faa87

Here is one photo of how I kept it temporarily for a couple of days!!!The photo for some reason is quite huge turned out!I apologize!Lenovo_A1000_IMG_20170329_142121.jpg

This post was edited by Faa87-01.04.2017 06: 00
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01.04.2017 9:54, Faa87

I have allocated an individual cabin for pupation!Fishing box!IMG_20170401_121011.jpg

This post was edited by Faa87 - 01.04.2017 10: 07
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01.04.2017 10:09, Faa87

Please tell me what size the photo should be so that the site looks decent like Everyone Else, and not like me)))))))???
By the way!Taking this opportunity I would recommend many people to use such boxes with separating partitions)After the beetle appears, I plan to rearrange the partitions and get a lot of space for each individual, which will allow you to hold it for a while until it gets stronger!Usually such boxes are sold for any construction small things nails screws screws etc It doesn't bite at the price and it will come in handy on the farm)))This option I think is suitable for those who withdraw a small amount!And I have grandiose plans, so I want to see as many boxes as possible!Convenient for me to like!!!Still as an idea you can remove the partition in pairs to try to identify the females or males!!!What do you think???

This post was edited by Faa87 - 01.04.2017 10: 24

01.04.2017 15:16, Юрий352

Potatoes (cleaning) should not be given to any insects, there is a risk that it can be treated with chemicals and not all insects are adapted to eat it in principle. Whole grains are very poorly eaten by zophobas, unlike the same hercules.
Growing larvae eat meat waste well, preferring it to vegetable or grain food. Good to eat zucchini, pumpkin, lettuce, dandelion and so on.
I've never looked at the problem of "matching pairs", they solve everything in a bunch. Even ten larvae almost always produce both males and females.

This post was edited by Yuriy352-01.04.2017 15: 19

01.04.2017 16:02, Faa87

Thanks!I heard you!Potatoes are home-made so do not be afraid to give!And whole grains and many other things were poured in as filling vessels)There was no sawdust at hand!In the future I will prepare myself properly the acquisition of zofobas turned out to be spontaneous I did not expect that I would guess and find it the first time!Fartanulo!!!

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