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The butterfly has formed inside the pupa, but does not hatch (Papilio Palinurus)

Community and ForumInsects breedingThe butterfly has formed inside the pupa, but does not hatch (Papilio Palinurus)

AnnaAnna, 02.04.2021 4:19

Please give me some advice.
The pupa of a tropical butterfly (presumably Papilio Palinurus) has turned black, the wings are visible, the shell has become transparent, i.e. it seems to have matured, but it has frozen at this stage, and it has not hatched for more than two weeks. When the pupa was green, it was definitely alive (moving). During this time, six different butterflies were successfully hatched under the same conditions (in the same container). The room is warm, I keep the humidity inside (I monitor the drying of drops on the wall).

Can something be done to speed up hatching? Or at least to determine whether it is alive (I'm afraid to take it in my hands at all, I'm afraid to damage the shell, I can't definitely determine by weight, it's small, it seems to have been light before). Are there any chances that the warm room has slowed down for some reason (it is annoying that all the other butterflies hatched within a day after the pupae darkened).


02.04.2021 8:41, Yuri Babochkin

She's dead, for God's sake. After blackening during the day hatches. Two years of experience with tropical pupae.

02.04.2021 21:36, Yuri Babochkin

In the tropics, the egg can mature in three days, the larval stage takes eight days, the pupal stage takes another week, and the adult butterfly is born only eighteen days after oviposition._

Copied the children's article from here http://www.zooprice.ru/noev-kovcheg/invert...usloviyakh.html they made a complete fool of themselves.
First, such articles are ordered for 20 rubles per thousand characters to people who are not related to entomology.
Secondly, it is prudent not to specify the type of butterfly.
Sailboats, Polinur, in particular, about which there was a question, do not become a pupa from an egg in a week (rather, it can be a month). And the pupa does not hatch in a week (rather, in three).

03.04.2021 3:58, AnnaAnna

Thank you, sadly (((I'll wait a few more days just in case

03.04.2021 4:03, AnnaAnna

Today I carefully checked it, the segments of the pupa (the place where the abdomen is) are still flexible

25.12.2021 20:38, guest: алиса

please tell
me and anyone knows the reason for not hatching?

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