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I don't have this information linked to the photo. Now from this season I will write...
Vasily, I have all the insects except diptera (they are on the map). I give it away), defined on If suddenly a photo clearly falls into the wrong taxon , I'll make a mistake when linking the photo, although I try to keep track of it...
It looks like a larva Diptera
not the point
take photo # 56710
priyavyazal not to the point
Not the point on the map
Actocetor indicus
Tied not to the point of the photo, whether it can somehow decouple or snap to another point?
I got what you mean. Just before they ever came across in the beginning of May, the truth is out - I thought the pupa winter easier :)
Send a link to yandex drive, there are almost 16 MB of photos turned out (just in case the whole series sent, you never know)
Well, today, too, went about picking the logs. Zhukov not, some larvae scored - may turn out to bring someone ... And ragiev these once in the fall and found, quite ready :)
Clear. In another photo he saw there pubescence approximately as shown here. So it seems like it affinis.
From what I saw - pubescence is, however, difficult for me to judge what density it should be ...
Thank ispravllyu at. For nomenclature not hijacking in a while ...
Thank you! I'll try, but one shot with a macro lens, pull seldom that I want :( Especially insect smaller than 5 mm
About 10 mm, more difficult to say ...
I've got it later that there was no need to choose any status to comment photo :)
Angerona prunaria.
Ypsolopha ?nemorella
Ypsolopha ?nemorella
Timandra comae.
There is some mistake about identifying of this species, I know the right name of it. Brenthis ino.
There is some mistake about identifying of this species but I'm not sure of the right name of it. Seems to be Zygaena lonicerae.
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