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I uploaded it in April. When linking a photo to an existing marker, access to the site stopped. This is probably why the program crashed. The marker is not visible on the map, and the coordinates are saved... Maybe I accidentally deleted the marker myself, which is unlikely. Has the number of this marker been saved? If so, I'll try to merge it with the new one; you may be able to restore it.
Thank you. Is it possible to set a point (shooting location) on the map for images uploaded in the past?
I linked 2 images to the location of the image taken on Google-satellite map, but I didn't link 3 images, because the dots didn't appear. I assumed that this was due to changes made by the moderator to the data about the insect's image. I decided to repeat it. The priority of determining the type of insect remains with you. Still, you need to give the author at least 30 minutes to upload and ...