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Ok then, nemorella, uncertain though.
Goes to Pronophila unifasciata...
Ok then, moved to Lamprotes c-aureum.
Shot moved.
Genus and species added, shot moved.
Photo moved to the new species created.
Yet going to A. artemis, "uncertain".
Comment moved to the species description page,
Goes to A. rumicis, "uncertain".
Goes to Triodia sylvina.
More suggestions?
Species databased, shot moved.
Note moved to the photo
Considering this as synonym to Alcis bastelbergeri, moved to the very Alcis bastelbergeri. Still "uncertain".
Still "uncertain".
Well, move it to fairly flown ones...
To "uncertain".
See, this image is a very popular one...
Ok then, moved.
As far as I can remember, Igor usually shoots somewhere nearby Novorossiysk. Goes to M. cinxia.
Thanks, moved.
Thanks for approving. Moved.
Species added, photo moved.
Species and genus added, shot moved.
Species added, photo moved.
Goes from "undetermined" to "uncertain".
Still left in "uncertain".
New suggestions more?
More suggestions wanted...
Guys, approve, please, this one is sylvestris not lineola?
Ok then, moved to A. adippe.
Hey, comrades, your opinions, please, about anything of this photo...
Moved then.
Goes to females.
Guy moved to males.
Moved to Z. minos, uncertain, as images nearby.
Photo goes to Z. minos as well as images nearby, status "uncertain".
Moved to Z. minos, "uncertain", as well as images nearby.
#4017, 4018, 4019, 4020 shots are obviously of the same butterfly. As for minos, Vlad said that's synonym to Zygaena diaphana, so the info is correct. Anyway, move this to minos, "uncertain".
Ladies and gentlemen, please, specify the name and taxon of this species.
Ladies and gentlemen, if somebody can, please, update the name of this species and its taxonomy.
Dames et messieurs, if somebody has any idea, please, specify the name and taxon of this species.
Ladies and gentlemen, please, who can, name the species and its taxonomic status.
Basil, thanks for the comments. Pay attention that your information relates to the pictures, but not the form itself. Therefore publish such information requested on the page with a photo (link top right), rather than the description of the form ...
ZY This is the future. And bear this comment to the photo manually.
Moved then.
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