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I understand you. Since autumn (on his return from the country) will start the job quietly, as time will fall free.
The first butterfly today :) it's hard for me, so put in inaccurate. It wanted more opinions regarding the definition.
Hmmm ... As for the equipment - still needed. Yet today it is not necessary to use the same piece of iron as 50 years ago. And most importantly - you can mold much less and much less homemade refer to a Friend turner / fitter ...
The terms deceived: -) I had to make a pause in the work site. Now to finish the section Collections , and after him will have separate gallery for habitats and blogs with extended functionality for all users zaregalsya.
The main source is already in the database there: INFA on the distribution is taken from he added his winter base. Adding about Peninsular Malaysia made on the basis of the place of fishing instance, illustrates a Dubatolov and post on the forum.And it had a personal message (so as references to Peninsular Malaysia have not seen anywhere ...
Previously, captions and names of the authors were on their pages in their own language. It was not a problem for the Russian and English, and there was almost no for languages that use the Latin alphabet typical. But with more original varintami problem was because Read, for example, Chinese characters, it was quite uncomfortable, and how to contact the author - is unclear.Now the program ...
and where is everyone? No one's doing anything Yes, here, side by side. Already since September 14, 2005
Svetlana, there is written - "for future discussion / article". How will the text - and discuss. A simple explanation for the fact that it is clear what the next online phot of this species.
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 18—22 mm. Flight time: No formalized data → May, June, July, August.
Corrected data. Eupithecia intricata / Tentatively identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Eupithecia virgaureata / Confidently identified / Basil Sergienko.
Here: copies. four points MO. the type and kind to us intensely populated. More himself, I did not find the truth, but I hope :)
Beautiful Moth: violence and fasten when dry. Actually I decided to do this whole pyadenichnoy small things: they painfully interesting :)
Corrected data. Lacanobia contigua / Tentatively identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Lacanobia thalassina / Confidently identified / Basil Sergienko.