On what grounds was determined? (make detailed images) For in the "local" photos color scheme is very different.
http://molbiol.ru/forums/uploads/post-670068-1369121871.jpg all confused. Both angles it is this same track. =)
And the first time I see it is this arrangement. It looks like a carrier-based fighter in the assembled state =)
Almost guess =) Enjoying your search ... Yeah, Argynnis paphia no yellow flowers. I was looking for a pair of orange-yellow.
Thank you for the comment! It is already in the "cage". In nature, until such fine has not learned to take pictures normally. Photos previous erased poorly received, but other materials I have. You can see it: http://molbiol.ru/forums/uploads/post-670068-1369121871.jpg 2. There is a double room photo
Previous photo somewhere touched. There were only a small resolution. Home pour not comme il faut =) I do not know whether you can then post links to other resources. If that - delete. http://molbiol.ru/forums/uploads/post-670068-1369918875.jpg She also weaves a shelter (hiding constantly) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qoz9Y72fmRs